Taking a Bite Out of Crime – IOTW Report

Taking a Bite Out of Crime


A couple of dog training outfits are taking rescued pit bulls and training them for police work.  Law enforcement saves about $15,000 to $20,000 per animal and the dogs aren’t euthanized.




21 Comments on Taking a Bite Out of Crime

  1. I’ve hunted hogs with pits, they are the scariest dog on earth. I do not trust them or blue/red heelers.
    Blues and reds are just devoted to their family but pits get neurotic.

  2. Not a fan. A neighbor’s loose pitbull ambushed our long haired daucshund while the wife walked him. Her kicking it, screaming at it, and hitting it in the head with the leash reel did nothing. Max didn’t deserve to die like that two doors from home on his walk.

    Pitbulls are like muslimes, most go through life without causing pain and violence; but that doesn’t change what they were designed to do.

  3. JustAl – I hope your wife wasn’t injured and the Pitbull was put down. I walk with a walking stick now and I hope I have the strength to whack the heck out of anything that attacks my best bud Higgins. We have alligators here I hear many snacks have gotten too close to the lagoons. They warn us realtors too…

  4. I’ve noticed that the homeless and black people around town all have pit bulls. They’re built like brick walls and I steer clear of them. They always say “he’s friendly.” My ass! I can see why cops would want them, I’d freeze for sure if one came after me.

  5. RottyLover,
    Not my style to sue a neighbor. We got Max to the emergency room and $700 later decided it wasn’t worth keeping him in pain.

    I gave that bill the the neighbor lady who offered to start making payments, but the wife told her to forget it when we say she had a baby with her with a birth defect. The city hit ’em for $600 in fines and their vet charged another $500 to put their dog down.

    When she said the pit was a rescue and was always trying to reach the baby as she carrier her around, I simply said that we are relived that Max gave his life to save her baby. Then they moved away.

  6. MissConduct,
    Thank you for your thoughts, when a Dobbie charged our new best friend I thought my wife was going to have a heart attack. The Dobbie’s owner may have resented me kicking it, but that’s life.

    Max was my son’s dog, but he adopted my wife when they stayed with us between deployments. He formally gave him to her when home on leave from Afghanistan. I’m just glad we didn’t loose Max for a couple of years after he got home.

  7. JustAl – I’m so very sorry to hear about your Max, and am very impressed with how you handled the situation with the owner. I cannot think of how you could’ve handled it better, or with more grace.

    Regarding this story, I think it is a great idea. Pit Bulls need a purpose and this gives one. In the hands of experienced dog trainers/handlers think they will do okay.

  8. JustAl — Your dog was a hero even though he didn’t know it, to give his life for that baby. I hope that child stays safe with such irresponsible parents. My best to you and your wife. RIP Max.

  9. BBrad, don’t even get me started with these figgin’ looneybin leftists on anti gun, anti hunting, and major contributor to the CA Condor bullshit… and on and on. I change the channel when their phony commercials come on only because I like my t.v. and I would hate kicking the crap out of it. Hope I never meet one of their ne’er-do-well supporters.

  10. Pits are like people. There are good ones and not so good ones. Don’t judge. I have Stubby found on the double yellows on the highway and he is a complete sweetie. All my other strays (girls) bully him and he has never shown any aggression. Vet guessed him at 5 two years ago. I am so sorry for your loss. But do not blame the breed.

  11. BigGun, Yes, there making enough money on their save the poor animals bull shit that they can run 5 minute commercials showing near dead heart breaking critters. That’s not where their money’s going. I truely want to help the bear with the steel ring in it’s nose. But that’s not where my money will go if I send it to them. This seems liable to me. Somebody should suit their ass.

  12. Okay, actually went to the P1 website that I removed my affiliation from that (spit) website many years ago.

    Let’s talk about failure rates for all breeds, let alone pits.

    As a former handler, the company we got my dog from actually went to Europe and hand tested the dogs before bringing them to the states (reasons not being stated to the love all animals at all costs here in the states). Still there was a failure rate when dealing with: Guard and Bark (no bite while circling the suspect, if he ran, he got bit), call off (dog running to the suspect on a bite command and then given a command to return), and a verbal out (dog that is on the bite and given a verbal command to let go and return to the handler without the handler physically intervening).

    This P1 article is highly misleading as is the failure rate of any breed, let alone the pits, and none of which are even alluded to.

    In short, the P1 article and information disseminated is B.S.

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