Taking a really tough and bold stand against Nazis – IOTW Report

Taking a really tough and bold stand against Nazis

If the Nazi alt-right was so powerful wouldn’t the time to have poked their heads out of their parent’s basement been during the Obama administration?

Why now?

The left’s charge is that they’ve been emboldened by Trump’s words. What words, exactly, the ones where he says the alt-right is evil?

Kurt Schichter-

I took a week off from the milieu of political insanity to go out amongst the normals and chalk up another huge trial victory, and when I got back I was stunned – stunned! – to find that a consensus had formed that Nazis are bad. Beforehand, I had no idea where the establishment stood on Nazis, but now it’s crystal clear. They hate Nazis because Nazis are bad. Everyone from CNN to Mitt Romney hates Nazis. I couldn’t be prouder of an establishment that takes that kind of tough stand. They’re going to hate Nazis, and they don’t care whose jack-booted toes they step on!

I also learned that if you hate Nazis for being bad, you’re not allowed to hate anybody else who’s also bad, because Nazis are so bad that you have to devote all your hating capacity to hating Nazis such that there’s no room left to hate anybody else. Those hammer and sickle flag-carrying Communists? Well, you must love the Nazis if you hate them, because you have got to hate the Nazis with all your mind and all your heart since, as we learned this week, Nazis are bad. I’m so glad that our moral betters have this all figured out.

This new breed of Nazis – for whom breeding doesn’t seem to be in the cards – is less menacing that the originals. Instead of schmeissers they pack Tiki torches – for reasons no one seems able to explain. The old Nazis invaded Poland and wouldn’t leave; these invade their moms’ basements and will never leave. But apparently these 300 or so misfits and malcontents are a potent peril to our republic. I’m not sure if they themselves are a direct threat to anything besides the bottom line at a Golden Corral all-you-can-eat buffet unlucky enough to have them as patrons. The only thing scarier to its manager would be seeing Lena Dunham waddling in on a cheat day.


13 Comments on Taking a really tough and bold stand against Nazis

  1. Let’s face it, ever since Obama was elected we’ve seen a ton of political chaff used for mis-information and mis-direction in order to keep promoting their agenda. Let’s face it, once a Black man was elected President, they had no more “racist” ammunition so they had to fabricate racism where it didn’t exist. Now that a White man is President they see nazis and klansmen everywhere! It really is just that simple!

  2. It’s Progs sinking into a quagmire of their own making, clutching at whatever they think may refloat the Idiocracy boat they have decided is their life raft.
    Don’t look now, it’s full of holes, like your arguments.

  3. Why? Because only now did the Professional Left find it useful to hire/organize them to use as Useful Idiots to blame on Trump.

    Going from “Russia! Russia! Russia!”
    to “Nazi! Nazi! Nazi!” in one fell swoop

  4. In every conflict combatants label and vilify the opposition to make them less than human.

    Victors write History to reflect the best attributes of their side and the worst of the opposition.

    All Germans were not National Socialists or Nazis, not all German combatants were inhuman, murdering, SS fanatics.

    Much like the accusations during the Vietnam War, Hanoi, N. Vietnam, John Kerry and Jane Fonda called the US Military “baby killers”. Sad to say that very same label was used by the US media and the socialist left to label every person who served in VN.

    Many of those socialists who labeled Viet Vets as Baby Killers in the 1960 & 70s are the same leaders of the fanatical left who label conservative Americans as Nazis and white racists today.
    Deceit, Division, Riots and Destruction are their aim.
    Thus far the government, law enforcement and the National Media are fanning the flames.

  5. “1957: There’s are Red under every bed!

    2017: There’s a Nazi Knight under every high and tight!”

    – David Burge, Iowahawkblog

    Now that the deep state has convinced legions of sociopathic morons that Free Speech equates to “white supremacy”, I guess they can soon move on to next year’s project that voting while white equates to “white supremacy” too. I had no idea how so many of my constitutional rights were in place to protect “white supremacy”. Seems like all of them these days, huh?

  6. Many already know this, Nazi is the contraction of two german words: National and Socialism.
    I do speak German and will not pretend I do. Bernie Sanders advocates national socialism.
    He could wear a swastika with ease. Socialism has been a failure everywhere it has been tried since 1848,

  7. There has already been a strong stand taken against the Nazis, it was taken over 70 years ago by mostly white, mostly Christian, mostly male, mostly gun owning, mostly strong border proponent. . . Americans.

  8. Not right, not alt-right, nor anything right of center. National Socialism is LEFTIST. It’s in the effing name. Don’t let the media and these idiots try to re-write history because they want to equate us with their proven practice of hate.

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