Taking a Stand in the Debate Over Illegal Immigration – IOTW Report

Taking a Stand in the Debate Over Illegal Immigration

Diogenes’MiddleFinger: According to the Sacramento Bee, the City Council of the celebrity enclave  of Malibu California voted 3-2 earlier this month to approve a resolution prohibiting use of city resources to enforce federal civil immigration law, thus joined the ranks of sanctuary cities.

Councilwoman Councilperson Laura Rosenthal introduced the resolution after Malibu resident, actor and former President Martin Sheen, appeared before the council in December to urge a sanctuary designation. Rosenthal told the Los Angeles Times:

“When I reached out to some of the people at the schools and other people in the community, they told me people are scared. To the influx of immigrants coming into Malibu who may be undocumented, I wanted to send a clear message that we are here for you.”

Malibu is home to wealth movie moguls and rock stars from Bob Dylan to Steven Spielberg and Barbara Streisand, who interestingly just so happened recently got their panties in a wad over access to the beach in front of their homes by the unwashed commoners.

So you can’t imagine my surprise when Diogenes recently received an email from Barbara Streisand (obviously by mistake) and addressed to someone named Arthur Sulzberger, who must run a website or something that famous people write Op-eds and pretend to know a lot about everything. After I read the unpublished post embedded in the email, I couldn’t resist sharing it with my readers.

11 Comments on Taking a Stand in the Debate Over Illegal Immigration

  1. Well, I think that the President should respect the wishes of the city of Malibu and not send in ICE. They should send in ICE to the cities and regions surrounding Malibu as well as randomly checking vehicles coming out of Malibu for illegals. This way the likes of Babs Streisand, Spielberg, sheen and all the rest of the Hollywood democrats can hold on to those well worn principles of theirs. Especially when the illegals realize that Malibu is the only place in that vicinity where ICE won’t operate and the city has stated that they have their backs and welcome them. Yep, that would be fun to watch.

  2. If they promised to camp out on the beach next to her house I’ll pay for an entire bus full of immigrants to go there. On top of that I’ll buy all the beans they can eat for a week and a keg of Schlitz each day.

  3. And it was done in typical Leftist fashion – brought up, ramrodded through with no debate, leaving most people wondering what just happened. Pass it before any rational thoughts can sway us – and 3 votes is all we need, just vote vote vote!!!

  4. Maybe they should try that idea of housing them on their driveways or backyards like that other liberal crazy place. If they are so in favor of having illegals they should prove it by opening their enclaves to them. Hell let’s send all the refugees coming in to these places

    The illegals and refugees must have a constitutional right to live where they are welcomed. The looney Lind could even through in some of those welcome baskets. Bet they have a lot of crap left from the bags they get for showing up at their narcissistic events

  5. Bottom line, they want their gardeners, maids, and nannies protected. Good help is hard to find, especially the legal kind for which you have to pay taxes.

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