Taking Action – IOTW Report

Taking Action

American Thinker: Political action comes in various forms: from nonviolent direct action (protests, rallies, sit-ins, boycotts, marches, the Tea Party) to its ugly step-sister violent direct action (everything BLM and Antifa do).  Civil disobedience is generally nonviolent direct action focused on potential arrest to make a point (the arrest of Democrats who protested the eviction moratorium cancellation; parents ignoring school mask mandates).

Conservatives are well organized when it comes to getting out the vote, campaigns, and voting; and adept at organizing as local issues arise.  We are not and never have been organized regarding what I call “Armchair Activism” (nonviolent direct action where thousands write, email, call, fax, petition, and lobby officeholders, agency heads, the President or AG, etc., in a coordinated and carefully orchestrated manner).   

In the wake of Election 2020, the Year of COVID Hell, and the Torquemada-like response to January 6th, conservatives were left shell-shocked and politically paralyzed. But 75 million people have tremendous untapped power! So, in late January 2021, I started 75M & Rising, an email list of conservatives dedicated to armchair activism.   

For one to five minutes a few days a week, I provide canned emails, letters, and phone scripts that members copy and paste into provided links.  In addition to the officeholders above, we’ve targeted RNC/NRCC/NRSC chairs, AFT’s Randi Weingarten, CEOs of Coke and Bed Bath & Beyond, and the MLB Commissioner.  Some action items require more time, as when we bombarded President FUBAR and AG Garland for a week about January 6th and contacted the 19 Republican Sellouts on the Infrastructure bill.  Sometimes weeks pass with nothing to do.

The left has aggregated massive email lists from their vast network of organizations, allowing them to coordinate political action among hundreds of thousands from their armchairs.  These voices are consequential:  supportive communications embolden Democrat officeholders to vote one way; disapproval convinces them otherwise.  more here

12 Comments on Taking Action

  1. It’s hard, when you’re mentally healthy, to focus so much energy on the hate. Doubly so because you’ve got to get things done in real life.

    Known a few of these people first hand and all the Lefties are way imbalanced on their meds. So, much so, that when people have certain medical diagnosis, their voting should be suspended.

  2. I’ve been signed up with 75M & Rising for some time. They can target things happening in your state so your communications with your reps and senators will mean something to them.

    Please join us. We CAN make a difference.

  3. Not only did I sign up with 75M & Rising when it first started, but I’ve known Sally for years—since she was the head of the SF Bay Area Patriots, and organized effective protests and actions all over the Bay Area. I am glad to continue standing with her.

    She works hard to make the suggested actions easy and quick to do; never takes me more than a few minutes.

    Please consider joining us.

  4. “Speak for yourself, Dan Knowles. ”

    Especially right now. This situation in Afghanistan is going to continue to rule the news cycle. And it’s going to get worse. People are getting really pissed. Biden voters are missing those mean tweets. They got exactly what they voted for. Like they say, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. If proving voter fraud is a legit way to get this train wreck out of office I think we will see more focus on that.

  5. I just signed up, am willing to do whatever it takes to level the playing field.

    But, to be fair to Dan Knowles, who was probably speaking more out of frustration than doubt at the idea, we can organize until the cows come home, but until voter integrity is restored, real voter integrity without the fraud, the dems will keep doing what they are doing with their ballot harvesting, duplicate ballots, destroying ballots, and counting ballots in some smoke filled back room outside of prying eyes, and they will win every single election going forward.

  6. Rich Taylor–

    I understand what you are saying re: voter integrity, and agree. But we should never give up doing whatever we can.

    Whether Dan’s comment was frustration or doubt, it is negative and off-putting, neither of which are helpful in any way, especially at this point.

    “He has showed you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to DO JUSTICE, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” [Micah 6:8]

    Part of “doing justice” means confronting evil.


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