Taking your credit card out of your wallet to make a purchase is exhausting – IOTW Report

Taking your credit card out of your wallet to make a purchase is exhausting

As Mastercard introduces a controversial biometric payment system that requires a face scan, is this another way in which the pandemic has been used to advance a dystopian future?
[some spirited language]

7 Comments on Taking your credit card out of your wallet to make a purchase is exhausting

  1. The gullible fools who obediently wore their stupid, useless masks will go Ga-Ga to use that clever and oh so COOL facial recognition to make payments.

    I never wore a stupid mask and I’m not going along with this scam either.

  2. I don’t have a credit card, I use my debit card for most of my purchases and pay cash for others. How hard is it to pull my debit card out of my wallet unless I forgot and left it at home? I have forgotten it more than once and had to go back later which is embarrassing. Eyeglasses, cell phones, wallets, car keys, pens etc. seem to disappear into black holes at times when I forgot where I put them.

  3. …the facial recognition feature will be a LOT easier to program when it only has to look for three 6’s on the forehead, to be required by anyone who wants to buy or sell very, very soon…

  4. Long ago government exchanged your gold for paper currency. Then they exchanged your currency for checks, then checks for debit and credit cards, and now just for your identity. What happens in a casino? They exchange your cash or credit (no checks accepted) for chips or scrip. Why? They want to estrange you from the value of the bet you are making. It’s easier to bet an orange chip than five hundred dollar bills. The house wants control and they want you unconcerned with what is happening to your money.

  5. We have been using cash as much as possible. It is refreshing to do so.

    Mrs. RMM read a tweet yesterday from someone in the UK. Three people went to a restaurant. They planned to use cash and did not have a card. Even though there were no signs saying so, they were told when the bill came that the restaurant only took cards.

    “You are refusing legal tender?”


    “Thank you for the three free meals.”


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