Talcum X wants justice for vandalized George Floyd statue – IOTW Report

Talcum X wants justice for vandalized George Floyd statue

PM- Shaun King wants justice for vandalized George Floyd statue—a year ago he demanded Jesus statues be torn down.

Activists and author Shaun King has a message for those who vandalized a George Floyd statue in Brooklyn, New York. He wants justice for the George Floyd statue, and he’ll do everything he can to get it.

It was just a year ago that King was calling for statues to be pulled down in the name of social justice, proclaiming fully that the tearing down of statues as a form of political speech was a necessary and laudable act.

Now that the spray paint is being used by his political opposition, King is using his Twitter reach to attempt to find those who spray painted George Floyd’s Brooklyn bust and bring them to justice, likely with those same police he sought to defund. more here

17 Comments on Talcum X wants justice for vandalized George Floyd statue

  1. How is it that he and Rachel Dolezal aren’t together, procreating a bunch of fake-ass black kids to create a movement for the next generation? Soulmates, I tell you.

  2. What I want to know is where are the current youth that could stack up to what we did when we were young?
    Seriously, we would NOT let bullshit like this thug statue be a thing.
    I would have burned a tire around the neck of this creature’s statue.

  3. If you listened to the Antifa/BLM rhetoric during last summer’s riots, they insisted that vandalism upon and destruction of buildings and statues was not an act of violence against a person or people. I recall posing the question – “So is it ok if I vandalize a BLM mural that is on a building or on the street, because it’s not violence against a person?”

    I guess we’re finding out.

  4. “… the tearing down of statues as a form of political speech was a necessary and laudable act.” Sounds to me like someone should correct the spray paint by pulling the damn thing down.

  5. I agree! No one should be allowed to piss on the statue of St George! He is a perfect representative of the Negro race! He was feral, dumb, a thug, and a dope addict! They should tear down the MLK statue as he supported a color blind society based on merit, talent, work ethic and ability! Those are all things that most Africans don’t want or subscribe too!

  6. I could tell from the second DiBlowzio blamed the vandalism on “white supremacists” based on exactly zero evidence other than a video of white masked white guys vandalizing the statue that the entire thing was staged draw attention away from the massive failures of NYC government.

    I’d wager the “vandals” were either AntiFa or the FBI doing a planned false flag to stir up more anti-Republican rage. Anyone with a three digit IQ now probably knows it’s bullshit.


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