Tales from the border – IOTW Report

Tales from the border


Moms For America president has a horrendous story about a 6 year-old girl.

I’m hoping it’s not true.

ht/ hot salsa

9 Comments on Tales from the border

  1. The liberals will cry: It’s just an anecdote, and you can’t build a policy on anecdotes.

    But the anecdotes keep coming and piling up into a big story. And the story is that too many migrants from south of the border are bad guys. There’s not too many sins worse than raping little kids. I say bring back the death penalty for rape.

  2. Descendants of the Aztecs, and the Mayans. Chopping hearts out of living people and tossing the bodies down to the hungry mobs.
    Sex crimes and Southern Indians? They wouldn’t do that stuff, would they?

  3. The Curse of Ishmael; “His hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand shall be against him.” Ishmael was the patriarch of the Arabs, who under Islam spread across North Africa. The Moors as they came to be known controlled the Iberian Peninsula for 500 years, so that most Portuguese and Spaniards had interbred with the Arabs. In 1492, after La (original) Reconquesta, they invaded and conquered what came to be called Latin America, and now want to do it to North America.

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