Taliban Agrees To Ceasefire So Peace Talks Can Continue – IOTW Report

Taliban Agrees To Ceasefire So Peace Talks Can Continue


  The Taliban’s ruling council agreed Sunday to a temporary cease-fire in Afghanistan, providing a window in which a peace agreement with the United States can be signed, officials from the insurgent group said. They didn’t say when it would begin.

A cease-fire had been demanded by Washington before any peace agreement could be signed. A peace deal would allow the U.S. to bring home its troops from Afghanistan and end its 18-year military engagement there, America’s longest. The White House said it would have no comment.

The U.S. wants any deal to include a promise from the Taliban that Afghanistan would not be used as a base by terrorist groups. The U.S. currently has an estimated 12,000 troops in Afghanistan. More

14 Comments on Taliban Agrees To Ceasefire So Peace Talks Can Continue

  1. The U.S. wants any deal to include a promise from the Taliban that Afghanistan would not be used as a base by terrorist groups.

    So no hetero-normative, no whitish, and no men?

    That’s… gonna be a tough one.

  2. Didn’t they kill 11 people, one of which was an American, back in September before the last Camp David “peace” talks to gain “leverage”?

    Subhuman scum who the only things that pass over their lips more than goat cocks are lies.

    I know Trump wants out but they should send their best and our people should execute everyone at the table. For leverage. Then ask them to send more negotiators.

  3. You’d think they’d of figured out by now that we’re willing to leave if they’d just stop killing each other. I guess we’ll just have to keep going after their leadership until they finally get the message.

  4. The only lasting peace agreement that civilized nations will ever have with islam is through application of fissionable materials. And that day is coming. Not in my lifetime, but it will inevitably arrive. To paraphrase an old saw, “there ain’t room for both o’ us on this planet.”

  5. They American left (and its media) can be counted on to cause the US to lose a war.

    They’re at it again, and the Taliban know this. Time is on the side of every fascist in the world, when it comes to going against the US: we have more enemies within this country than we do from the outside.

  6. The Taliban will honor the cease fire as long as they can’t find any Americans to kill or any
    non-moslems to kill

    They seem to have a lust for killing

    Maybe they grew up in Chicago

    or NYC, Baltimore,….


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