Taliban Burn Down Amusement Park Day After They Are Videoed Enjoying The Attractions – IOTW Report

Taliban Burn Down Amusement Park Day After They Are Videoed Enjoying The Attractions

india today

Following the hasty capture of Afghanistan’s capital city Kabul, Taliban fighters were seen enjoying rides at the amusement park. Some were crashing the bumper cars on each other, while others were seen making merry on the rides.

In the latest video doing the rounds on social media, an entire amusement park is seen burning with massive flames covering the area at night. A Twitter user who shared the video has claimed the clip is of the Bokhdi Amusement Park in Sheberghan. More

24 Comments on Taliban Burn Down Amusement Park Day After They Are Videoed Enjoying The Attractions

  1. Here is a question to ponder; whats the difference between the Taliban and ANTIFA? They are both slaves to their ideology, have equal respect for other people’s property, smell about the same, both dress bad, have equal amount of fleas, both hate America and both are plagued by an inability to think for themselves.

    Maybe one slight difference is that the Taliban does not have rich parents that will deflect and rationalize the kid’s behavior.

  2. @Rich Taylor – “…have equal respect for other people’s property…”

    With all due respect, I think you mean equal LACK of respect for other people’s property.

  3. @Rich – it was implied, I understood it. But sometimes in today’s environment you gotta be irrefutably explicit. I made that comment for that reason, just to make a point.

  4. A few more differences, ANTIFA thugs don’t get stiffies when they walk by a goat and (so far) they haven’t thrown any gays off of tall buildings.

    But if you had to pick, which one would you want as a neighbor?

  5. Didn’t 19 of these murdering bastards enjoy the fruits of sin before 9/11 when they were training to fly planes on US soil. All while enjoying booze, hookers and other pleasures of the flesh in the name of Allah. I hate the Taliban and the left, they both willingly will enjoy sinful revelry and wallow in it while despising it at the same time. Hypocrites all, everything that has happened over the past 20 years can be be laid to blame on pisslam and the radical left who both hate America.

  6. Unless they understand that they’re lives are an offense to almighty God. And repent of they’re sins they will spend an eternity with they’re prophet Muhammad in hell who is already there. They must give their life to Christ.

  7. Chalupa
    AUGUST 19, 2021 AT 10:42 PM
    “They’re going to rebuild it with our money with jihad related rides and call it Nuts Barry Farm.”

    Six Fags Over Muhammad’s Crazed Dead Pedophile Ass

  8. Supernightshade – how about Deadlyland? Rides – Carousel Of Regress, Great Senior Moments With President Biden, China White’s Adventure, Haunted Manson, Pirates Of The Arab Bein’, Mon Santos Journey Through Bombed Out Space, Jungle Cruise Ground Zero Gay Disco, Shahtopia, It’s A Third World After All, Rocket Roids, Sheeping Beauty’s Castle, Mr. Goat’s Wild Ride, Big Plunder Mountain, Slash Mountain, Malice In Blunderland….


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