Taliban Making Troubling Gains – IOTW Report

Taliban Making Troubling Gains

Things have gone from bad to worse in Afghanistan’s 17-year-war. While there has been desperate fighting in the city of Ghanzi, Taliban forces have reportedly over run Afghan army base after the Afghan government failed to reinforce the defenders.  More

The recent successes in eastern Afghanistan comes on the heels of earlier reports that our government has been laying the ground work for direct negotiations with the Islamic fundamentalist insurgents. More

8 Comments on Taliban Making Troubling Gains

  1. I thought Obama ended the war on terror? What the hell?

    It’s time we decide to end this war or call it quits and come home. I loathe the idea of calling it quits but if we, as a nation, can’t muster the will to finish the job then it may be for the best to just walk away.

    If we could, with 19th century tech destroy the Plains Indian warrior culture we have the means to bring this war to an end. It’s just a matter of using the power we have to end it. As I think about this the POTUS should go to congress and say in short “We can end this but it will require going full tilt. Give a declaration of War so I can go full tilt or vote to cut funding and I will bring the boys home.” Get the will of the nation on the record and if the nation green lights going full tilt end this now.

  2. I seem to remember DJT wanting to turn this entire mess over to Erik Prince and that Mattis talked him out of it. This would be over by now if he would have stuck to his guns.

  3. It’s time to bring back from the grave Generals US Grant, Wm. Tecumseh Sherman, John Pershing and George Patton to go in kick their ass in Afghanistan, no quarter, no mercy, kill all the Taliban every last damned one of them and then burn all the poppy fields to the ground preferably with napalm dropped from B-52’s and then declare victory after we’ve won and get the hell out of there and never go back. I work with a young man who has long hair and a beard who I thought was just a kid until I got talking to him and found out he’s a veteran of the 101st Airborne and served in Afghanistan and Iraq, for his ake get the hell out of there.


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