Taliban ‘Peacefully’ Parades Executed Corpses of Un-Islamic ‘Traitors’ – IOTW Report

Taliban ‘Peacefully’ Parades Executed Corpses of Un-Islamic ‘Traitors’

Neon Nettle: The Taliban, who have been described as “peaceful” and “professional” by the White House, strung up bodies of three accused criminals and left them to dangle from cranes earlier this week.

Last month, Neon Nettle reported that National Security Council (NSC) Spokesperson Emily Horne said the White House is eternally grateful to the violent Taliban terrorist group for being “businesslike and professional.”

Horne said:

“The Taliban have been cooperative in facilitating the departure of American citizens and lawful permanent residents on charter flights from HKIA.” more

18 Comments on Taliban ‘Peacefully’ Parades Executed Corpses of Un-Islamic ‘Traitors’

  1. Hey Joe!

    We’re almost out of Toilet Paper and Armaments !!!!

    Just kidding…We don’t use Toilet Paper…

    I would sign off with Our usual “Death to America” but the Biden Admin

    Sued Us for Copyright malfeasance

  2. You know what Washington is lacking?


    Lots and lots of cranes

    I hate to go all Taliban on you. Lampposts and piano wire
    Will suffice.

    Golly. I hate leftists. It’s a survival instinct I think.

  3. I probably should have prefaced my comment with a disclaimer. I am in a shitty irritable mood tonight. This motherfucking cocksucker is making it impossible for me to keep my job.

  4. Hopefully this will start a trend in Washington soon, but I really want to see their happy smiling faces so I know which politician is which. I have a big spool of rope I will donate, with free shipping.

  5. Where do I begin;
    The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that there were 61 federal prisoners with death sentences in December 2018, the latest year available.
    In contrast, states had 2,567 prisoners on death row at the end of 2018.

    Over 2,400 vicious, heinous murderers and rapists are on death row in the US.
    It’s time to execute death row inmates. Why do we taxpayers continue to pay to house the rightfully convicted worst of the worst law breakers?

  6. PHenry OCTOBER 7, 2021 AT 7:28 PM

    I feel your pain!

    Got the e-mail this AM directing me to register whether I’ve gotten the jab or not. Not looking good for keeping the part time job.

    On a positive note the daughter got her medical exemption accepted at her job!

  7. Anymouse;
    praying that if you lose your part-time job, a better position with better pay will be the silver lining in the dark cloud of the government/corporate covid mandates.

  8. Sorry for ranting on you all. There is a confluence of stupidity going on. Government is designed to be stupid and I’ve seen enough. I did it for two years as a consultant and 5 months as an employee (because they begged me).

    I’m done.

  9. @PHenry

    “…impossible to keep my job.”

    Sincerely, Why and What do you do for a living?

    I’ve been Pissed since the assholed of Toronto Gave Turdeau his 3rd term.

  10. What the Taliban are doing to people in Afghanistan is a Democrat wet dream to be used against patriots who oppose them & their quest for absolute, forever power. The bright side of this is after we are all disposed of, the Democrats will then begin to kill the useful idiots that gave them the ability to do this. Just like the Lenin & Stalin in the good old days that the Democrats of today long for. I refuse to bow down or grovel for these fuckers & I suspect that there are a lot more of us than there are of them.

  11. PHenry, “getting it right the first time” so your client doesn’t have to look back and say,

    “Gee, I wish we hadn’t done that!”

    …which is probably what your employer will say after letting you go.

  12. A personal moral position: if you aren’t concerned about the jab, get it to keep your job. If you are concerned about the jab, don’t get it to save your job. You’re selling your life for a handful of silver.


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