Taliban Replace George Floyd Image In “Soul Of Kabul” Mural With Victory Slogans – IOTW Report

Taliban Replace George Floyd Image In “Soul Of Kabul” Mural With Victory Slogans

Daily Wire

Earlier this week, the Taliban painted over a wall of the former United States embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, decorating the building with a giant Taliban flag, and now they are painting over a series of murals lining the streets of downtown Kabul, including a mural designed to commemorate the U.S.-Taliban peace agreement in 2020, and a mural of George Floyd. The artwork is being slowly replaced with Taliban victory messages and Islamic slogans, More

17 Comments on Taliban Replace George Floyd Image In “Soul Of Kabul” Mural With Victory Slogans

  1. It’s what they do, put their stuff on top of the stuff they wiped out. 14 centuries so far.
    I’m sure the Biden* administration will send a very strongly-worded letter, then announce that the Taliban are decent people with whom we can work.

  2. Well now, the Bros ain’t gonna like that. I’m surprised Seattle Antifa is not planning an attack. Oops. I forgot. The Taliban actually trained some of them. Which now makes me wonder did the CIA arrange that? Sorry, I’ll take off my tinfoil brain bucket now.

  3. Andy’s dad

    Yea, there’s a BLM Militia floating around somewhere. They specialize in shooting each other, but their Grand Puba says he’s the shit. I’ll ship in on plane fare.


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