Talk To Me Like I Am Retarded – IOTW Report

Talk To Me Like I Am Retarded

Did any of us request this of Kamala Harris?

23 Comments on Talk To Me Like I Am Retarded

  1. In terms of the terms we’re are determined to term we terminate terms that we cannot term. In terms of time we look at the future as occurring after the present in terms of the past unburdened by any forms of intelligence in terms of whatever terms escape my insidiously imbecilic piehole.

    Please someone shove a dick in my mouth so I can demonstrate the only thing I was ever good at in terms an excuse for my existence….

  2. This bitch lacks the depth and IQ of a sardine tin. Fuck me sideways, she lacks the intellectual firepower to inform a child on how to use a pencil eraser in a coherent sentence or two and the dim witted slut is Vice President of the United States. The only thing mitigating the disgrace this represents is that there is absolutely no possibility she was half of a ticket that was legitimately elected and belongs there.

  3. This is a serious question for qualified medical professionals. What exactly is wrong with this person? I’m serious, what is the nature of this obvious cognitive defect? Is it organic? Is it a result of disease or injury? This sort of behavior is not by any means normal.

  4. That this dim-wit is VEEP does prove the total fraud of USA elections. No one voted for this creature. Obviously no one even interviewed it. But who are we to talk! Did anyone endure Pence’s stupidity on display with Tucker?

  5. This Blowjob Queen is a very lazy person, as are most affirmative action hires. She refuses to prepare, so when it comes time to speak, she reads a line or two in preparation of text her staff must write in first grade English so she won’t be put off by any challenging preparation. Better to give her a dildo to suck and have subtitles go by.


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