Tapper Responds To Conway – IOTW Report

Tapper Responds To Conway

Tapper might be right about what he said, but he was an outlier on his network. The leftwing media were in lockstep and they were out to destroy Kavanaugh and believe everything that Blasey Ford said, without scrutiny.

Scrutiny was countered with charges of being a misogynist.

Conversely, everything Kavanaugh said and did was poured over like the Zapruder film.

In 2020, Reade is Kavanaugh, Biden is Blasey Ford. And Tapper isn’t rushing to get Reade on his show, is he?

Although he did challenge Nit-Whitmer when he had her on his show.

3 Comments on Tapper Responds To Conway

  1. “contemporaneous”
    It’s one of those SAT words that has an opportunity to be used in public conversation about once every few decades.
    I wonder who looked it up for him…

  2. “You have spoken movingly about how you’re a survivor of assault yourself”

    Gag me with a pitchfork.

    So sick of this BULLSHIT. They’re ALL survivors of assault. How many MEN are “”survivors of assault” from crazy women but nothing is reported because we suck it up as the stronger sex?

    So many women will use what’s useful at the time:

    1. Treat me as an equal (M,W,F)

    2. Treat me as a woman (T,Th,Sat,Sun)

    Freud: What does a woman want?

    It’s a binary/boolean choice. Kind of like:

    Are you happy OR married?

    Some things will NEVER change.


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