Target Goes Gay Pride For June – IOTW Report

Target Goes Gay Pride For June

Conservative News-

Continuing its “woke” branding routine, the once family-friendly retail outlet Target will offer a line of gay pride merchandise to coincide with June’s pride month. “Take Pride” goes the slogan.

According to LifeSiteNewsthe merchandise included for the “Take Pride” campaign will be “rainbow-adorned shirts, pants, shorts, swim trunks, iPhone cases, and other items.”

“For each PRIDE item sold, Target will donate 50 percent of the purchase price to GLSEN (the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network),” says the flyer. Target also issued a statement to accompany its rollout:

“We’re making our message loud and clear: Target proudly stands with the LGBT community … through all that we do,” Laysha Ward, Target’s executive vice president and chief corporate responsibility officer said, citing “volunteer efforts” and “partnerships” with homosexual groups such as the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network “to the very products we carry in our stores and online.”


ht/ jc lady

Still with the pride?

Well, that means it’s time for Norm MacDonald!!! (This version of his gay pride joke is much more graphic.)

27 Comments on Target Goes Gay Pride For June

  1. Yup. Nothing makes better business sense than targeting (excuse the pun) a wee little minority of the country while lifting your leg on everybody else.

    How in the name of sweet fancy Moses is that “corporate responsibility?”

  2. I can’t double boycott them. Now what? They are already in a retail ice age. Drop the Starbucks inside and make it a mosque.

    I’ll stick with Duluth Trading Company. Better
    Quality anyway. Yeah. They sell onesies. They’re called overalls

  3. Target is dead to me. A bunch of deviants and perverts run this unGodly immoral store. I’m still trying to get my wife from ever wandering in there again.

  4. The gays won’t go, their sales won’t increase that day and they’ll end up giving away 50% of a purchase price, not the profit, the purchase price for nothing. Target is on it’s way out and I suspect that they probably have two years at most before it’s Chapter 13 for a year then closed the next.

  5. I stopped shopping at Target after the bathroom issue, but hubby still shopped there because of the close proximity to his mom’s facility. Shared this story with him ands he’s now on the NEVER TARGET train. 🙂

  6. Target’s finished. Doubling down on the 1.5% market.

    I do feel sorry for the hard working employees, who don’t make policy.
    Another vanishing anchor chain that will leave Malls empty and dying.

    They can become homeless shelters.
    Or really oversized chicken coops.

  7. This doesn’t seem to be merely a series of stupid accidents. It’s like someone at the top knows what would destroy the company in the eyes of many Americans and is trying to do exactly that. Very strange.

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