Target Security Guard Punches Customer in the Face After She Demanded Reparations – IOTW Report

Target Security Guard Punches Customer in the Face After She Demanded Reparations

Target Security Guard Punches Customer in the Face After She Demanded Reparations.
The Salty Cracker has the details.

17 Comments on Target Security Guard Punches Customer in the Face After She Demanded Reparations

  1. Blue Ash Ohio is a more upscale suburb of Cincinnati, but with great highway access on all sides so it also gets things like theft rings running out of cheap hotels, Smashburger shootings, and the odd person escaping from the back of a police car because the cops get a little lax in the restraint department. It doesn’t have a low-rent neighborhood beyond the highway motels though, and because they protect Cincinnati’s second tier rich, the police have definitely NOT been neutered. Cincinnati IS creeping in, mostly in the light industrial area to the point where the life squad trains in body armor to come in with the cops for active shooter situations, but for now there’s no ‘hood closer than the other side of adjacent Sharonville, so I’m not surprised this didn’t play there even at a Target, that’s not their customer base and they know if they gave in they’d be inudated from agressors from Avondale and Lincoln Heights (which lost IT’S police department because of abusive Black felon Affirmative Action cops beating Black people) as quick as word got around.

    The cheekiness IS pretty bold, tho. Head for the checkout with a grand in groceries and THEN, as you block traffic, present your Black card. Problem is that was TOO public and didn’t give them any weasel room to look the other way. If they let ONE person do it they’d have to let EVERYONE, is what the issue is.

    The sad thing for her is that if she STOLE those things instead of being so brazen, they probably WOULD have let it slide.

    Interesting thing though is that I live and work in the area and NEVER HEARD A THING ON LOCAL MEDIA ABOUT IT. even though it happened in OCTOBER. Nada. The only reason I know about it is I heard it on local talk radio this morning, and the host of THAT was bemused that HE only heard about it from the NEW YORK POST just now, so its not just me.

    Cincinnati always DID want to be Detroit though, so they won’t discuss stuff that doesn’t suit the narrative.

    And with a full-on Indian Communist in charge, they just may get there.

    Her reparations aren’t denied, just delayed.

    Give it a couple years girl, and they’ll be letting YOU bash White folks in the mouth…

  2. This was NOT a “customer” asking for “reparations”. This was a THIEF demanding to be allowed to STEAL from the store. When caught she began threatening the store staff and became physically aggressive. CALL THIS WHAT IT IS. A crime that was caught and stopped.

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