Wintons Motion Pictures brings you a new, hard-hitting documentary film. TARGETED will be examining one of the key issues of the day, gun control, and will take you on a fast-paced journey, following 19 year-old director Jesse Winton as he travels across the world, and goes back to the historical roots of the gun-control agenda, exposing it, and bringing out the dark truth behind gun control.
ht/ Bad Brad

Government lefties…BAD!

The left doesn’t even bother trying to be sneaking and subtle about gun grabbing and free speech stifling.
Ou weapons are all that stands between us and cattle cars. Our spineless R Congress care about 1 thing and 1 thing only-staying on the fucking Gravy Train. If(when) they see public opinion swinging to the gun confiscation side, they’ll abandon us in a fucking heart beta.
I believe though that gun control via confiscation/registration will not happen. Not in my lifetime.
The left is if nothing else, patient. Over 100 years ago they put our traditions in the crosshairs. They destroyed our education system. They’ve destroyed our currency and banking systems. They’ve destroyed our separation of powers. They’ve destroyed the family and marriage.
They’ll continue to make gun ownership an evil and gun owners as pariahs. They’ll add fees, taxes and other onerous laws like making gun manufacturers responsible for gun murders. As long as they have our children in their formative years, they’ll continue to put bullshit into their heads. They’ll wait us out.
Then like the Body Snatchers, when they have enough people on their side, they’ll move. First a ban of some sort. Give that some time and cross check the weapons turned in vs the data base of registrations. Letters, notifications, maybe even liens until you prove you don’t have weapons. After all, you think there IRS and BATF won’t collude? Will they move with SWAT teams? Of course not. They already have every email ever. They’ll check out all those accessories you got for your AR. All that ammo you had bought online.
Of course there’s still millions of unregistered weapons. But they need ammo and you can see in CA they’re already moving on making people show ID to but it. Soon that’ll be national. Why are you buying a 1,000 rounds of .308? Obviously you have a rifle.
They know once you’re defenseless, they’ve got you. Having all of that power is simply too attractive for REgressives. Knowing you’re that bug on a pin and can’t do shit must be the ultimate high for some.
Films like this one are vital and I applaud the film makers. This is the arena in which our God given right to self defense will be fought.
Dr. Tar, That’s because they think they have the majority of the voters under their control. We’ll find out here in a couple weeks. I don’t think that fact has sunk in to the NeverTrumpers.
Ironically I won’t go see this movie (or any other) because I would need to unstrap.
They don’t need to control guns as long as they can control ammo.
Anybody here bought a whole bunch of .22 LR lately?
I know what your saying B_B. Except I never carry (cough-cough).
that sign out front that says non allowed is either ignored or in the case of Panera Bread I do take my business some place else.
Some states like Illinois and N.Y. I do my best to stay out of completely. I hate driving through Chicago but am forced to do so several times a year.
Looking forward to the movie. You can sit next to me.
We will need to go to your theater. They’re patting people down and searching thru womens purses at mine. Oh, and there’s rumors the theaters going to go out of biz. Might have something to do with the fact that over 50% of our counties residents have CCWs.
Government never stops trying to grant themselves total control of the population.
Better to die fighting than to grant them ownership over you.