Tased and Confused… – IOTW Report

Tased and Confused…

Not sure what the context is here, and not sure one should be tased for doing what she did… but she drops like a sack of potatoes.

Not sure this is an appropriate Christmas post, butt…

29 Comments on Tased and Confused…

  1. Very nice holiday fare… Having to work the holidays gets more of this than we like to admit.

    Watched multiple times. Couldn’t note what department. At least she got the right tool deployed.

  2. https://youtu.be/AXQYAHY_Aj8

    “You might hear bits of conversation
    As you pass through public places
    Some loud talker on a cellphone
    Or a tiff at the next table

    Most walk by and not remember
    But one evening last December
    I passed two women talking by
    The front door of my hotel

    I stopped and thanked them by the curb
    The moment that I heard their words
    And said it was the finest line of eavesdrop
    I’d ever overheard

    Their words stuck inside my head
    So I wrote down the words they said
    And with a hotel pen I wrote: Then
    They had to Taser her again.

    Cuz then they had to Taser her
    The first time wasn’t fazing her
    Whatever she did, she did it twice
    Who was this gal, why weren’t she nice?

    They zapped her once she improvised
    A twitchy breakdance jazzercise
    She didn’t get the hint cuz then
    They had to Taser her again

    These swirling words did not relent
    Speculatin’ ’bout this incident
    And it’s gonna drive me crazy
    Cuz I’ll never know the truth

    Were there warrants unresolved?
    How much alcohol was involved?
    And did her stepson remember
    To return to the trailer
    The next day to feed her snake?”

  3. @Jethro – the suspect mooned the cop and then resisted and ran away from her. What was the officer supposed to do? Say, oh shucks, oh darn, another one got away? Taze her fuggin ass and teach her a little respect for the law.

  4. @Stirrin’
    What was she resisting?
    What was the cop going to arrest her for, indecent exposure?
    If she wasn’t a threat to others why the use of such severe force?
    That’s why I asked if there was something earlier that justified it.

  5. If the cop knew the name/ID of the nasty mooner then using the taser was well over the line and not justified. A hard fall on pavement has been fatal in lots of past cases.

    The taser is a dangerous weapon. Less so than a bullet, but potentially fatal nevertheless. I could change my mind if I knew what the full circumstances were but I have zero interest in making an effort to find out.

    Now, back to the important things: MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!

  6. “What was the officer supposed to do?”

    How about gaining some self respect and not be a fat pig (see what I did there?) so that when this happens again she doesn’t have to use force above what is necessary and can catch her on foot.

  7. Now let’s play the “reverse” game.
    WHAT IF it was a WHITE cop chasing/tazing a POC perp!? OH MY! The HORROR! THE UPRISING! THE RIOTS!

    Nah. I’m calling what this overweight, out-of-shape (unless you count “round” as a shape) po-po pig did as beyond the pale and out of bounds.

  8. Jethro
    DECEMBER 25, 2021 AT 3:32 PM.
    “Nothing I saw in the short video justified the tasing. “

    Are you kidding? In the ‘hood, “disrespect” is the greatest crime, justifying any response, including murder.

  9. White girl committed the most horrific contempible crime possible. “Contempt Of Cop”….with an additional “black cop” being offended making actual shooting justified. She’s lucky she only had to ride the lightning.

  10. Jethro – I agree with you that there is something more to this situation that needs to be seen – as is too often in other cases there is more to the edited video clip – but the white chick’s actions were over the top disrespectful. What do you think the cop should have done, based on what was shown in the video?


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