Tax system explained in beer – IOTW Report

Tax system explained in beer

Oldie but goodie.

6 Comments on Tax system explained in beer

  1. This is stupid.

    If it worked like this, everyone would quit their jobs and get paid to drink beer.

    Wait, we DO have people like this for this very reason.

    Never mind.

    I hate commies and welfare abusers.

    Reminds me of an elderly man saying the inmates at the county jail had it good and he wished he was in there.

    Free room and board, free medical, free food, no responsibilities.

    Me: What about being free to do whatever you want? You’d be confined to a dang small area for the rest of your life and being told what to do every day.

    Him: “NAH! Not worth it. Life is too hard out here.”

    No wonder we have so many people voting for a welfare state. Gimme gimme gimme – I ain’t doin’ nuffin for myself but takin’ from others. Because I can.


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