Taxpayers should not be funding this anti-American hate-spewer – Linda Sarsour – IOTW Report

Taxpayers should not be funding this anti-American hate-spewer – Linda Sarsour

These anti-American, pro-terrorist sh!tstains are smug because they have the backing of the dangerous left. This is the “change” Obama was looking for here in America.

Andrea Peyser –

President Obama named Sarsour one of his “Champions of Change.”

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The daughter of Palestinian immigrants, who told the Times that she wed in an arranged marriage at age 17, is described on the White House website like this: “Ambitious, outspoken and independent, Linda shatters stereotypes of Muslim women, also treasuring her religious and ethnic heritage.”

But some observers got acquainted with Sarsour’s anti-Americanism two weeks after the politically correct Newspaper of Record lionized her. Sarsour, who serves as executive director of the generously city-taxpayer-funded Arab American Association of New York, based in her native Brooklyn, responded when Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz tweeted, “America is and remains a nation built on Judeo-Christian values.”

“Genocide & slavery?” she shot back.

Put aside for a moment that the ills about which Sarsour complains do not exist in the United States today, but plague parts of the Muslim world. Sarsour contends that Israel and American supporters of the Jewish state are responsible for slaughter in the Mideast.

more exposure of this rancid human being here

ht/ rob e.

11 Comments on Taxpayers should not be funding this anti-American hate-spewer – Linda Sarsour

  1. What slavery?
    What genocide?

    Where are the enclaves of negroes descended from African slaves in the Arab world? Genocide, perhaps?

    What happened to all the little Christian boys kidnapped into slavery from the Balkans during the long reign of the izlamic savages? Genocide, perhaps?

  2. we are rapidly approaching the end times, and it is fascinating to observe the bible’s predictions play out

    israel will stand alone, abandoned but will prevail

    our president is clearly on the side of satan, and is playing a key role in how the end will come

    think about that

    obama is evil, but twice-elected by those who do not know goodness

    we hung the young son of god, the preacher of good and love, on a cross almost 2,000 years ago (around 30 bc or so), and we are more lost now than ever


  3. I made a smart ass comment about Hillary and that knuckle dragging she-animal in the White House being stuck in a collider. Know I’m thinking a trash compactor with room for this bitch.

  4. This is indeed going as planned. Read anything by Joel Richardson and you will see how clearly the Anti-Christ will NOT arise out of a revived Roman Empire as so many theologians adhere to. He will arise out of a revised Islamic Empire. We may well be witnessing first hand the stage being set for this to come to pass. Maybe in our lifetime? How else to explain the rapid descent into Hussein Obama’s fundamentally transforming the United States of America goal in just seven short years?!

    Pray indeed! Pray that Jesus return SOON!!

    He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! – Revelation 22:20

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