Taylor Lorenz published Libs of TikTok’s private home address before editors removed it – IOTW Report

Taylor Lorenz published Libs of TikTok’s private home address before editors removed it

Libs on Twitter are claiming Taylor Lorenz did not dox the person behind Libs of Tik Tok. Bullshit.


As vetted by Rebel News, the article originally contained Libs of TikTok’s real estate license, including her private home address, and details of her employer in New York.

Taylor Lorenz’s article doxing the identity of the popular “Libs of TikTok” Twitter account originally included the anonymous creator’s home address before it was pulled by editors at the Washington Post.

As vetted by Rebel News, the article originally contained Libs of TikTok’s real estate license, including her private home address, and details of her employer in New York.

Speaking in a March interview, Lorenz described doxing and harassment as a tool to silence marginalized individuals from speaking out. It’s worth noting that in the Washington Post article, Lorenz identifies the “Libs of TikTok” account holder as Orthodox Jewish.

“I think online harassment is such a misnomer,” said Lorenz in a March interview with Crooked Media. “I think it’s a huge problem because harassment is a tool to silence people, especially women and people of color, people from marginalized identities, for speaking out.”

“And there’s a very international goal behind it,” Lorenz added. “It’s obviously death threats, and all of that, and rape threats on the daily. And it’s not just Twitter. It’s like every single surface.”

“My cellphone number getting out there, people calling, people harassing my family members, stalking me,” said Lorenz without any irony whatsoever. “All of that is incredibly terrifying and invasive and it’s bled out into the physical world too, which is even more terrifying. But to me, I think what especially the media needs to understand about this about protecting their own reporters is that this is just a tool to kind of discredit and silence journalists.”



What is the purpose of identifying her? Simple question. They won’t answer.

Oh, some do. They say it’s “journalism.”

Really? What is the point of this “journalism”?

What is the average reader supposed to do with knowing where a person lives, where they work, what they do for a living?

If I read an article in the next half hour that told me the person who works at the Dairy Queen lives at 290 Highland Ave. in Buttphucksville, Utah, wouldn’t it be a head-scratcher? What would be the point of such “journalism?”

Obviously, when the Lorenz **** publishes an address, it’s for the sole purpose of canceling them, destroying the, and seeking revenge.

And this shitheads on Twitter feigning that it’s all just “journalism” should be pinned under the wheels of an oil truck fire.

15 Comments on Taylor Lorenz published Libs of TikTok’s private home address before editors removed it

  1. Can we publish Ms. Lorenz’s address?
    I am sure that we will not be able to drum up the basement dwellers that Taylor can, ut even a small number of people will probably draw her to whine about us.

  2. How does her behaviour not result in arrest/law suit?

    If the victims felt threatened enough could they not hire security, demonstrate to the court the fiscal burden & recover cost plus damages?

    Get Nick Sandmann’s old lawyers on it.

  3. Is it worse to be stupid? Or to pretend to be stupid?

    Asking terrorists, “Why?”… Asking those that call you “enemy”, “Why?”… is stupid. If their actions made any sense, they wouldn’t be taken.

    Just eliminate them. Because they call you “enemy”. And move on.

  4. If it weren’t for deceit and hypocrisy, these people would have nothing.
    Basically, another proof that what they complain of is exactly what they’re doing.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. What was it Sundance said…WaPo is the CIA’s mouthpiece, and NYT is the FBI’s mouthpiece. Or is it the other way around.

    Ali Watkins still has a job at the NYT, though. And the CIA would consider her a burned asset, so it’s probably the other way around.

  6. She has been brainwashed her entire pathetic life that she is a victim. Par for the course for liberals the world wide. The bitch can dish it out, but certainly can’t take it when the shoe is on the other foot.

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