TB, Measles, and Now Leprosy – IOTW Report

TB, Measles, and Now Leprosy

Study Finds

Leprosy is beginning to occur regularly within parts of the southeastern United States. Most recently, Florida has seen a heightened incidence of leprosy, accounting for many of the newly diagnosed cases in the U.S.

The surge in new cases in central Florida highlights the urgent need for health care providers to report them immediately. Contact tracing is critical to identifying sources and reducing transmission. More



24 Comments on TB, Measles, and Now Leprosy

  1. Both TB and leprosy are caused by types of Mycobacterium, which is a bacteria which acts like a virus.
    Both forms can be treated and cured by taking rifampin.
    Both were almost completely eradicated in the USA…until biden.

  2. …Leprosy, piracy, TB…the Democrats always accused conservatives of trying to bring us back to the 1950s, but I guess they’re o
    OK with Democrats bringing back the 1750s…

  3. Contact tracing back to the source.
    High probability an illegal.
    Find the aource, shoot on sight (at a distance, no contact). “Stop the spread”.

  4. 15 days to slow the spread.

    And no leaving your house until you take this…*crosses out label on vial, writes something else on it* new ANTI-LEPROSY vaxxine from Pfizer, and your little children too!

  5. Dr. Tar
    MONDAY, 18 MARCH 2024, 7:41 AT 7:41 AM
    “Just in time for Spring Break”

    No worries, we’ll be dining on…I mean WITH, as many of your kids as we can catch when WE hit the Florida beaches!


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