TDS Personified- woman stabbed herself repeatedly because she’s ‘tired of living in Trump’s country’ – IOTW Report

TDS Personified- woman stabbed herself repeatedly because she’s ‘tired of living in Trump’s country’


A Florida woman told police that she stabbed herself in the stomach with a kitchen knife because, “I’m tired of living in Trump’s country, I’m tired of Trump being president.”

Cops found the 46-year-old woman standing outside her residence in Palmetto Sunday, according to a police report. She had blood all over her legs, hands, and face, a cop noted.

When asked what was wrong, the woman lifted her shirt to reveal “three stab wounds on [her] stomach that were still bleeding.” She then told the patrolman she had “stabbed herself because she does not want to live in Trump’s country.”

The woman was subsequently transported by EMS workers to a local hospital “under trauma alert.”

After evaluating the woman, a cop concluded that there was a “substantial likelihood” that she “will cause bodily harm to herself and/or others.” As a result, the officer appears to have recommended that the woman be involuntarily admitted to a mental health treatment facility (per the state’s Baker Act).


ht/ sns


38 Comments on TDS Personified- woman stabbed herself repeatedly because she’s ‘tired of living in Trump’s country’


    Marcia Cross says anal cancer likely linked to husband’s throat cancer


  2. Typical prog;

    1) Incompetent, can’t even get a simple thing like suicide right.
    2) Overly dramatic, like this act will somehow alter the election.
    3) A monetary drain on society, now tax payers are on the hook for her medical care.
    4) Crazy, a danger to herself and everyone around her.

    In total, a textbook definition of a progressive.

  3. Joe Squid
    JUNE 6, 2019 AT 12:06 PM
    “I sure hope this is a trend that continues!”

    … the problem is, that they suck at it. In this case, either the knife was too short, poorly placed, or both. Someone who actually KNOWS anything about human physiology wouldn’t need three shots, and wouldn’t be alive when they were done.

    Suicide is not really difficult. People who genuinely mean it tend to get away from everybody else and arrange to be discovered only until it’s far too late to do anything about it, and also use more, shall we say, “definitive” means to accomplish the task. REAL suicides are no-doubters.

    …this is more likely a “suicide gesture”, a plea for attention and a red flag for help…but probably MEANT to fail. While I sometimes saw suicide gestures go further than intended and actually WORK (and you DO NOT want to be in the room when a suicide gesture teen has just reconciled with the family, only to have the doctor walk in with the test results and explain to everybody that the currently smiling and happy child DID successfully kill themselves by using a common analgesic and waiting too long to get attention, so they were fated to die a slow, painful death by liver failure, but had enough time left to participate in their own funeral planning), by and large they want to be found ALIVE so they can get attention, love, etc., and so did NOT use overwhelmingly destructive means.

    Unfortunately, in modern society the medical “help” is more likely to tell her it’s just because she’s living as the wrong gender or that her hatred of trump is valid or otherwise validate her craziness, than it is to actually give her the needed help. So, she’ll be back, maybe as an even UNHAPPIER dude, and you’d best be armed if she’s around you in your MAGA hat, because NEXT time she might decide to remove OTHERS instead of HERSELF…

  4. I’ve been long time “tarred” of living in _______’s (insert corrupt politician’s name) country.

    But harming myself over it was never the consideration. 😉

  5. She has a history of this kind of behavior. If I was her neighbor I’d send her a MAGA hat and put Trump Forever signs in her yard then invite my friends over to watch the fun.

  6. How many times do I have to tell ya to get the rrrright tool for the rrrright job!

    But she didn’t finish! She should call an illegal alien to do the job that Americans won’t.

  7. This was an attention getter, a well controlled pity party. Design is never to harm one of the partiers. The success rate is measured in the size of the response by media.

  8. …the involuntary commit thing is nice because we won’t have to worry about her for a short time, but at MOST it’ll be 72 hours, after which they will kick the crazy out onto the street.

    It’s even possible that they’ll send her out earlier, because some Trump-hating shrink may AGREE with her and say it’s a perfectly sane response to being exposed a not-Hillary leader that the only thing she needs to change is she needs to stab CONSERVATIVES and not herself…

    …I always HATED dealing with mental patients. They generally got a free pass on most assaults and batteries, even on LEOs, but back in the day they didn’t even have a 3 day hold; so, if a cop red-tagged a nut down to General, we had to buck them over there and into the special room with no sheets or pillows, then go do an hour of paperwork, during which the crazy would get the “three questions” from the local brain peeper, which usually resulted in them being released before we even got back in the truck.

    They had generally been here before, and were sociopaths but not stupid, so they would quickly learn what to say to get out. Not gonna give them so no one ELSE gets any hints, but it’s simple enough that even a Democrat can learn them.

    …all of this was part and parcel of the “deinstitutionalization” that was going on apace in my day. Jack Nicholson had made a movie about someone being mean to crazy people, you see, so bedwetting liberals across the Country decreed that there could no longer be booby hatches in order to deprive the mythical Nurse Ratched of a place to practice.

    Unfortunately, there WERE no real alternatives, so they came up with things like “community based health care” whereby the County would train someone for about 5 minutes, give them a stipend for each headcase they took into their very unsecured house, and give them instructions to call 911 if anything went wrong.

    Which is why I spent a fair amount of time following the Police around as they were forced into doing a job more appropriately done in days past by Men In White Coats. They’d catch ’em, we’d haul ’em, the hospital would release ’em, lather, rinse, repeat.

    Pretty discouraging to us, but REALLY to the LEOS, who would have to spend a fuckton of time justifying what ended up a drive to the hospital followed by a release, and the threat of a lawsuit for the involuntary commit.

    And they wonder why cops don’t want to deal with crazys…

    …except some would beat or stab or rape occasionally, but hey, it’s all good as long as we’re having a nice knee-jerk response to Hollywood fictions, nicht wahr?

    …Deinstitutionaliztion is ALSO where a LOT of the homeless problem, which (NOT coincidentally) popped up around the same time. They were too crazy to live in society, the “community” thing dried up quickly, and hospitals couldn’t afford to keep them and ALSO didn’t want to deal with liberal protesters; so without the APPROPRIATE place to put them, it was under the bridge with the trolls…

    …so, nice gesture, but won’t solve ANYTHING. The Dems want people like this who are crazy enough to VOTE for them out on the street forthwith, and will see to it it happens by any means necessary.

    We can only hope she’s so far gone that she mistakes one of THEM for a Trump supporter when she decides to turn the knife in a DIFFERENT direction, as she predictably WILL…

  9. Jack Kevorkian
    JUNE 6, 2019 AT 1:53 PM
    “See if this helps:”

    …I generally steer AWAY from giving specific “how-to” suicide advice as it may well be ACTED upon, and whatever I may think of a person, SOMEBODY loves them.

    …and may know a lawyer…

    …also, God loves them, and is only holding back to give them a chance to come to Him yet, and HE may not appreciate me helping one of HIS children over the edge and out of His hand…

  10. Yet another Florida woman suicide

    Despondent over the fact that her drug kingpin of an older brother shot her bridegroom husband, Florida woman comes on to him saying “Take me, Tony!!”

    Gets shot by Colombian

  11. She doesn’t know how to do it. It’s not enough to stick the knife it. After sticking it in, she has to yank it up to rip through the stomach to spill the guts. When she gets out of the mental ward, she could practice on other people to perfect her technique.


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