TEACHABLE MOMENT: Progressive Feminist Reaches Out To Support Mosque and Gets Put In the Corner Like 2nd Class Citizen – IOTW Report

TEACHABLE MOMENT: Progressive Feminist Reaches Out To Support Mosque and Gets Put In the Corner Like 2nd Class Citizen


“We’re not different. We’re the same; except for indigenous peoples, every one of us came from somewhere else. We came from another country, another place, to build this open society.”

Unfortunately for Wynne, men at the mosque she visited later that day didn’t seem to share her view of equality.

She was sent to the corner, away from the men so that her presence would not anger Allah and invalidate their prayers.

JihadWatch.org explains this with the following.

This was simply in accord with Islamic law, as several hadiths have Muhammad saying that if a woman is in front of a man as he is praying, this prayer is invalidated.

“Wynne didn’t complain about degradation of women. Nor did she, although gay, say a word about the statements of the imam at the mosque she visited.”

What statements, you ask? Well, according to a Toronto Sun article, Imam Wael Shehab said:

Homosexuality is a sinful act in Islam. I’d cite the following fatwa of Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, president of the Fiqh Council of North America.

We should consider them people who get themselves engaged in a sinful act. We should deal with them in the same way we deal with any people who are involved in alcoholics, gambling or adultery. We should have deep repugnance to their acts and we must remind and warn them.

ht/ annie



26 Comments on TEACHABLE MOMENT: Progressive Feminist Reaches Out To Support Mosque and Gets Put In the Corner Like 2nd Class Citizen

  1. Nothing to see here. Move along people. Hypocrite liberal lesbian gets owned by mooozlums and takes it like the obedient dog she is. Lets hope her ingracious hosts don’t take her to a high rise building.

  2. She is lucky she wasn’t thrown off the roof.
    I wonder how or when mental illness strikes these self righteous pricks.
    My brain sees that Muslim people have a serious mental problem and have no problem killing anyone, even family any time they feel like it.

  3. How can one be so willfully obtuse as to ignore a threat, both oral and written in another’s sacred text?
    The suspension of belief required to openly embrace a culture dedicated to kill you, and those like you, must be crippling.

  4. @Thirdtwin.

    1) What’s PFF mean? (I looked but only found football )
    2) Becuase you posted I clicked. It was so stupid, is that what passes for funny now?
    3) I don’t like you anymore for posting a stupid link I clicked on. 🙂
    4) Just an aside, Ever notice Trump isn’t really orange most of the time? It’s his way of giving them crap to talk about while he runs circles around them as they keep digging holes they can’t get out of/

  5. Aggie, PFF=PrettyF’nFunny. Obviously, your mileage varied lol but I at least give them a little credit for skewering corporate SJW’s.

    And yes, I’ve noticed the paler shade of Trump. I think SNL has noticed, too. It was refreshing to see them put down the crutch and use Cheetos without any reference to Trump.

  6. The goals of modern feminism, Islam and LGBTXYZ “rights” advocates are identical: destruction of capitalism, destruction of Christianity, and destruction of America.

    I know that’s a repost, but…

  7. Thirdtwin, thanks. I thought the use of Cheetos WAS the Trump insult. All Baldwins pitches were the lefts trash talking points…. illegal immigrant, wall, trashing the flag, anti muslin, antisemite, gender fluid boloney.

    Maybe I just don’t have a sense of humor 🙂

  8. “She’s a lesbian, so I suppose she is lucky that they just put her in a corner instead of throwing her off a building.”

    …and she is lucky they didn’t gang-rape her

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