Teacher Admonishes Student For Using Fox as a News Source For Class Assignment – IOTW Report

Teacher Admonishes Student For Using Fox as a News Source For Class Assignment

A SPANISH teacher in an Indiana middle school berated a student in front of his peers for using Fox as his news source for a class assignment.

They were to take a news story and translate it into Spanish. He chose a story that was reported by every news outlet but used Fox as the source.

This angered the teacher.

She also assigned students to list the “many lies” told by president Trump.

Fresno didn’t punish their porky professor for bashing Barbara Bush after her death, citing free speech, which is fine. But doesn’t the free speech road run two ways? How is the teacher not guilty of violating this student’s free speech? She should be fired, immediately.


14 Comments on Teacher Admonishes Student For Using Fox as a News Source For Class Assignment

  1. I would have told my child to raise their hand in class and demand the teacher make the same (private) apology in front of the whole class. And at least 4 out the 6 would have. (The other 2 would do so now, but probably not when they were in HS).

  2. I’ll bet that no conservatives (or even politically neutral) ran for school board in that district nor did any of them (or perhaps a pitiful few) joined the PTA. If they held power in both those groups you can bet these types of political indoctrination sessions wouldn’t occur (on either side of the political spectrum) because from the temp teacher, school secretary, gym teacher, spanish teacher, principal to school board head would know that crossing that line with the kids would mean termination. They’d also know that contract negotiation time would be a long and hard road with examples like this on the books. Get out there and join the PTA and run for the Boards and help direct your kids future success.

    It is just plain WRONG to use children… PERIOD!
    We are supposed to have freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of thought! It is high time to reclaim our basic, God-given rights!

  4. There is absolutely no reason to not post webcams in each classroom everywhere and record every class. This will protect students and teachers. It will also force these liberal teachers to conduct themselves like human beings and will also give the parents a footing in lawsuits against the schools for breaking trust. I have been suggesting this everywhere i post. I hope it gets some traction somewhere.

  5. She only apologized because the light was shined at it.
    It’s child cruelty. Those kids that don’t have an open relationship with their conservative parents will end up in a neurotic heap like so many maladjusted social justice warriors who are unhappy with their country, themselves, and every one around them.


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