?? Teacher arrested after allegedly cutting student’s hair while singing the national anthem – IOTW Report

?? Teacher arrested after allegedly cutting student’s hair while singing the national anthem


 high school science teacher in Visalia, Calif., has been arrested on suspicion of felony child endangerment after videos emerged of her cutting a student’s hair with a pair of scissors while singing the national anthem, the local Visalia Times Delta newspaper reports.

On Dec. 5, Margaret Gieszinger, a 52-year-old teacher at the University Preparatory High School, was reportedly filmed singing as she hacked away at a male student’s hair, telling him, “You’re not done” as he tried to move away. She then allegedly attempted to cut the hair of a female student while other teens shouted and fled the room.

Principal Eric Thiessen confirmed that students were safe but declined to comment further. Gieszinger was arrested after College of the Sequoias police were called to the scene, with bail set at $100,000.

Sources say that Gieszinger’s erratic behavior may have been the result of frustration with her students after a test reportedly went missing earlier in the week. She is said to have suspected students were to blame, and she allegedly made one girl cry.


ht/ jd hasty

12 Comments on ?? Teacher arrested after allegedly cutting student’s hair while singing the national anthem

  1. Well, she was just cutting his hair not giving him sex lessons. Sad thing is she will probably get a stiffer punishment for cutting his hair than she would have if she had sex with him.
    That’s what most of these teachers today seem to do is go to school to look for boyfriends.


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