Teacher Calls Blacks Coons and Uncle Toms and Escapes Being Fired – IOTW Report

Teacher Calls Blacks Coons and Uncle Toms and Escapes Being Fired

How does this happen in 2020?

Well, because the guy is a lefty.

Oh, and because the guy is black.

Does it really make sense to the left that this would go unpunished because the offender is black?

ht/ illustr8r

By the left’s logic it’s okay to be hurtful as long as you fit a certain criteria.

I guess a Muslim could call another Muslim a “diaper-headed, pedo-worshipping, bare-handed ass wiping 6th century savage.”

But I can’t.

A heavy person can body shame another heavy person and it, presumably, will not hurt at all. Do I have that right?

The left does not function in any way, sense, or form in the realm of reality. They need to be eradicated.

22 Comments on Teacher Calls Blacks Coons and Uncle Toms and Escapes Being Fired

  1. This is typical in the Soviet State of Washington (a 30’s term for newcomers here). So, don’t move here, especially if you have kids. I only stay for the climate and the chance to blow heads off for entertainment during my retirement.

  2. The left thinks they have a veto over what other people are allowed to say.

    When i’m elected president, I will put them into reeducation camps to think about it and come to the proper conclusion.

  3. Btw, Stefon doesn’t sound like a black man’s name. Appropriating Mr Lyons? We need to have a word with your momma….and daddy if he can be found.

    How’s that for racist Stefon?

  4. We’re onto your scam, Stefon. The jig’s up.

    BTW, in those photos he doesn’t look all that black but rather medium brown, like a mongrel or a half-breed. NTTAWWT.

    BTW2, I’m not guilty of hate speech above. However, I gladly confess to scorn speech.

  5. This “teacher” is the one that is slave-minded. Carrying the water for his democrat-leftist plantation mastahs.

    Appearing to be fearful of the patty-rollers, aka slave patrollers, catching him, and giving him a sound beating if he fails to berate anyone that should also be a plantation slave that would dare to give even a smidgen of praise, to someone other than his mastahs.

    He also seemed to be very practiced doing that little move during the last few seconds of the video, just sayin.

  6. You know, I haven’t heard the pejorative, Oreo, in a long time. What happened to Oreos? I like Oreos.

    Maybe they’re associated too much with white privilege – after all, they were a staple in my lunch box that I took to my all white grade school.

  7. I’m not being hateful when I say this but that teacher is a dumb nigger. I say that for a friend.
    Try as you want but you don’t own the language but you do own the name.

  8. He’s not an active teacher so I guess he’s on unemployment then? Yet, has extra money (not devoted to housing, food, utilities etc) to travel from Seattle to Washington DC, and harass people leaving the RNC convention? Was he there to protest? In town early maybe for Occupy the White House?

    So many questions.

  9. @illustr8r – “…Yet, has extra money (not devoted to housing, food, utilities etc) to travel from Seattle to Washington DC…”

    “So many questions.” Like a good attorney, I think you already know the answer.

  10. What is with all of these high yellow halfricans trying to prove their blackness by embracing radical black supremacist ideologies? Dummies ought to remember that in Haiti after they killed all the whites, they went after the mulattoes. And….it’s been an unmitigated shithole ever since.

  11. Apparently he never read the stories behind the character Uncle Tom. It’s sad really, that a supposed teacher spews such crap upon the world when he hasn’t the slightest idea who Uncle Tom actually was. Maybe he should get off his high and mighty Democrat Ass and read Harriet Beecher Stowe’s books, he might even learn that she was a staunch supporter of abolishing Slavery throughout the United States and it was her books and stories of the Slaves in the Democrat South that helped precipitate the First Civil War.

  12. “The left does not function in any way, sense, or form in the realm of reality. They need to be eradicated.”

    this is the best statement I have read from any article on the interwebs yet… mainly because it is so truthful, needed, and past due by a long shot!

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