Teacher Fired for Throwing X-Rated Classroom Party Featuring Dildos – IOTW Report

Teacher Fired for Throwing X-Rated Classroom Party Featuring Dildos


A Florida teacher was fired after she reportedly threw an X-rated classroom party for students of young as 11-years-old featuring dildos, lollipop vaginas, and penis candles.

The New York Post reports that parents of the Mater Lakes Academy, a school for grades six through 12 in Hialeah, became outraged after a dance teacher reportedly threw a party for a former student after school on Wednesday that included favors in the shape of phallic symbols.

“In the videos, we see how they were preparing for the surprise party. And as the boy walked in, they surprised him with a hat that had a penis attached to the top and a string to be able to pull it so it can get erected,” said an outraged mother, who did not reveal her identity to WSVN.

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18 Comments on Teacher Fired for Throwing X-Rated Classroom Party Featuring Dildos

  1. The sex toy is considered harmful material when children below 18 years old are involved, it is against the law to give harmful material to a minor.

    I think 15 years in prison would be a good start, classification as a sex offender for the rest of her/his life should follow.

  2. 💥 When you realize the students who go into the department of education are the dumbest on campus, it explains a lot.

    💥 When you realize the professors who teach those students are the dumbest on campus, it explains a lot.

    💥 When you realize the curriculum those professors teach is philosophic bullshit, it explains a lot.

  3. One of the many disturbing aspects of this story is that the school would not release the name of the teacher. That way, she can get another job in another district, and a background check is that much more difficult. We need a name and photo of this miscreant.

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