Teacher: I don’t teach Newton because he’s white – IOTW Report

Teacher: I don’t teach Newton because he’s white


Red Square:

Naomi Friedan, who teaches science in a Sacramento high school, has published a guest article in The Washington Post, arguing that her students shouldn’t learn about Isaac Newton because he’s a dead, white male with questionable political views.

According to the teacher, she feels uncomfortable teaching Newton’s laws of motion, universal gravitation, optics, and calculus because her minority students shouldn’t be expected to study inventions of a “a long-dead, British guy” (Friedan herself is white). And while Newton is widely recognized as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution, Friedan says he only is regarded that way because “some white men” ordained it and he can easily be replaced.

“Why not teach the scientific beliefs out of Africa, which includes an equally relevant oral tradition about the movements of celestial bodies?” she suggests. “Why not teach about the refraction of light based on oral storytelling from Latin America, about the speed of sound as imagined by the wise men of Samoa, or about the Earth being a pie resting on the back of an elephant or a serpent, as depicted in the folklore of Southeast Asia? Many, many of our students come from these traditions where people don’t even believe in gravitation or that the sky is not held up by really tall pillars at the corners of the Earth. Perhaps we no longer have the time to study the Western canon that so many of us know and hold dear.”


22 Comments on Teacher: I don’t teach Newton because he’s white

  1. I think this is one of the Peoples Cube send ups. The name Naomi Friedan is a send up of Betty Friedan the famous feminist (or infamous, depending on your viewpoint).

  2. So will she also teach the beliefs of the ancient middle eastern Judeo and Christian sects? I mean those beliefs were only adopted by Europeans. The text books are readily available and in some cases free. I think we know the answer, though. This woman is just another self-loathing, guilty white progressive just like those marching with “hands up, don’t shoot” and “black lives matter” signs while ignoring the obvious truth out of fear to offend. And these minority kids will get further and further behind because, once again, liberals insist the bar must be lowered in order for them to suceed. The definition of insanity personified.

  3. This is the result of evil white devils stealing the negroes’ knowledge and cutting off their wings!

    Newton, Shakespeare, Poincare, Maxwell, Euclid, Homer, Aesop, Thompson (father and son), Michaelangelo, and all those other dudes just parrotted the knowledge stolen from Halfrican Kenyans and other assorted nose-picking bush bunnies.

    It’s a true fact! You could look it up.

  4. I know it’s satire, and that’s OK – but Hitler didn’t allow “Jew” science to be taught in Germany throughout the Nazi rule, and they consequently missed out on nuclear fission.

    Sometimes racism works out for the better.

  5. Sure hope the way overpaid union teachers don’t all have a vacation, uh, “conference” on the island of Guam cause it tip over or something

    no… no, wait a minute , i DO want them to tip it over when they’re there

  6. I saw a nearly identical story about a teacher who refused to teach Shakespeare for the exact same reasons. The story even mentioned many of the “Traditions” quoted here.
    Me thinks both be fakes!

  7. The law of gravity has no color. Nor does it have a political or ideological identity. It’s an irrevocable natural law and an absolute, maybe that’s why she really hates it and won’t teach it. Good luck without gravity as you go spinning off into empty space. Maybe she can teach about trans-gravity if there were ever to be such a thing. Liberalism knows no bounds in its arrogance and abject stupidity.

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