Teacher most likely a leftist- young student is smarter – IOTW Report

Teacher most likely a leftist- young student is smarter

32 Comments on Teacher most likely a leftist- young student is smarter

  1. The teacher is right:
    Marty may have eaten only 2/3 of his OWN pizza,
    but he victimized the oppressed Luis and *stole* the last 1/6 of Luis’ pizza, too!*

    math is SO lit!

    *(yes, 2/3 + 1/6 = 5/6, but…RACISM!)

  2. There is this joke making the rounds. A college professor sneered at his class and said “if there are any idiots in this room, would you please stand up.” After a long pause, one freshman stood up and the professor asked why he considered himself an idiot. The freshman replied “I don’t, but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself.”

  3. joy reid made some inane comment today about how hitler was a white conservative man blah blah blah

    I wish for once somebody with a media presence would refrain from being defensive about it and go on the attack.
    the commies murdered ten times more people than the nazis. and the brain dead left is proud of it and wears hammer and cycle shirts with che’ pic on it.
    the left is a muderous, criminal organization.

    i would start watching the news again if there was anyone with balls.
    they’re all a bunch of cowards.

  4. I can promise you that it would be futile to try to explain to the teacher that the kid is right. You could even buy a ten inch pizza and a 16 inch pizza and have both cut into six pieces and she would still have the same blank stare on her face. I tutored Early Childhood Education majors in college and know what many of them are capable of.

  5. This is one way they lower dispariities in test scores among racial and ethnic groups: Montavious and Fernando are going to get it wrong even if the question make sense. Now Chad, Ming and Sanjay are going to get it wrong, too.

    I saw way too many test questions like that for the past fifteen years. At first, I thought it was just moron “educators” writing test questions in subjects about which they know nothing. Now, I think it is deliberate.

  6. What was Marty’s race? Gender? Was he economically marginalized? Luis? It’s really impossible to determine how much pizza was really eaten at all, so let’s all smoke some dope and groove man…

  7. The pizzas were the same size, so initially Luis DID eat more pizza. However, he ate too fast, causing him to throw up half of what he had eaten. Marty then ate the thrown-up portion, resulting in his having eaten more pizza than Luis.

    (Kinda gross, I know, but not as much as you might think, since Luis and Marty are both dogs.)


  8. I didn’t really miss it the first time, but the Q specifically states that Marty ate more than Luis. But the teacher’s correction said that Luis ate more.

    Wow. Her stupid is amazing.

  9. Next question: Marty can eat a 24 inch pizza in 20 minutes. How long will it take Marty to eat a one inch pizza?

    Next question: Marty likes pepperoni but not black olives. If someone gives him a pepperoni and black olive pizza, how long will it take him to eat it?

    Next question: Marty has a 23 inch pizza. If he gives Luis 1/3 of the pizza, how long will it take Marty to belch after eating his 2/3?

  10. By the look of the writing style, I think it’s a boy who wrote it. Lousy at spelling, grammar, and printing, but great in creative thinking.

    The printing is not neat enough for a girl. This kid may contribute a lot if he can survive mean teachers like that one. If not, he’ll be another casualty of our vaunted education system.

  11. Cletus – the real issue regarding your point is that Hitler was the total opposite of conservative. He was a Socialist, a National Socialist. His politics were one of the four branches that make up Socialism: Communism, fascism, progressivism and Natl Socialism

  12. The child is correct. The size of a “whole” is a fundamental concept that has to be grasped before fractions can be understood.

    If I were that child’s parent, I’d be in that school demanding an apology from the “teacher”. We yanked the kids out of elementary school and home schooled them after about three years of continual crap like this. The kids were in college by ages 15-16.

  13. @PHenry:

    If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how many grasshoppers does it take to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?

    One, but it takes him 1/21 of a fortnight.


    seriously…is there an actual word ‘Reasonableness’?

    Yes. All things that are reasonable share the attribute of reasonableness. Seriously – the word is in the OED.


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