Teacher Resigns From the Art Institute of Chicago Calling It a “Police State” – IOTW Report

Teacher Resigns From the Art Institute of Chicago Calling It a “Police State”

Michael Bonesteel quit SAIC because he was continually demoted after students complained that some of his art theories offended and sometimes his speech didn’t include “trigger warnings.”

Bonesteel was teaching about Henry Darger, an “interesting” character that was only discovered to be an artist after his death. The guy had thousands of drawings in his house, some that were drawn on 30 foot wide scrolls, double sided, which depicted a universe that he created where he was the protector over abused children.

The odd part was that all of the children in his universe were naked. And the young girls often had penises.

Here’s an example we can actually show.

Bonesteel proffered a theory that Darger might have been abused as a child. A reasonable theory, especially since Darger spent many years in an asylum when he was very young.

This discussion caused a transgender in the class to go ballistic and “it” lodged a complaint.

After sensitivity training and mandatory apologies he got into more hot water when he mentioned rape in his class without giving an appropriate “trigger warning.”

For this offense he was demoted. And he continued to be demoted until his hours were intentionally cut so the school could avoid having to provide him with health insurance.

Bonesteel quit, calling the school a police state.

I suspect this is going to be happening a lot. Eventually schools will be feel good echo chambers where nothing is learned. Hive minded people will be allowed to create their own fantasy universe, where everyone is a protector of the oppressed and the abused.

Hey, sorta like the mentally ill Henry Darger.


15 Comments on Teacher Resigns From the Art Institute of Chicago Calling It a “Police State”

  1. WHY would you “teach” indoctrinate such a closeted sicko IN THE FIRST PLACE?!

    And, I’m supposed to “sympathize” with the “victim”?!?

  2. And I thought “naive art” was reserved for contempt of those flyover folk.

    I guess not when it serves the Left’s destructive purposes.

  3. I wish these ridiculous, whiny little snotflakes would become so triggered they’d turn into guns and shoot themselves.

    They don’t need schools to learn how to be bigger a-holes, shut these schools down for at least a semester, send the monsters home and let their parents deal with them.

    Take away ALL public funding to schools that encourage this BS, once and for all.

  4. Here in DC, a retired janitor died. For unknown motives he had converted his garage into a homemade “altar”, as crazy people sometimes do. Using trash boxes and discarded tin foil he had created thrones, a lectern etc. Imagine an illiterate’s notion of a medieval Cathedral crossed with the ghostbusters rooftop altar to Zul.
    This was proclaimed to be “African American Urban Art” and these crude tinfoil-covered cardboard boxes now occupy an entire room of a DC museum.

  5. I’d like to see Conservative billionaires like Sheldon and the Koch Brothers donate some of their billions to start up a network of Conservative colleges where only normal people are hired, reality is taught, a real education is learned and PC is banned. Nobody gets tenure, meritocracy is king.

  6. and if the current college evaluation groups try to say the Conservative colleges aren’t properly accredited, the Conservative colleges start their own accreditation system, tell the leftists to go fuck themselves and refuse to give accreditation to any leftist lickspittle colleges who try to join later.

    I’ll bet my last dollar that non-PC employers would fight tooth & nail to hire the graduates of these Conservative colleges.

  7. …and finally, the colleges would only teach majors that involve real shit like accounting, business, marketing, architectural shit, engineering, maybe business law. For required side courses, they’d be required to take courses in Judeo-Christian religion, American History, civics classes and practical shit like how to balance a damned checkbook, not get deep in debt on fucking credit cards, etc

    No womyn’s studies, no african-american studies, no hispanic studies, no basket weaving, no art, no LIBERAL Arts, no bullshit.

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