Teacher Scheduled For Termination For Making His Students Pancakes in Class – IOTW Report

Teacher Scheduled For Termination For Making His Students Pancakes in Class

If he showed them how to apply pancake makeup so they could be transvestites he’d get an award.


 Kyle Byler is a beloved 8th-grade teacher at Lancaster, Pennsylvania’s Hand Middle School and says his students “worked their butts off” during last week’s standardized testing. While they were focusing on the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment, he plugged in an electric griddle and made each kid a single whole-grain pancake to eat during the test. He’s likely to be fired for it, reports Lancaster Online. Per Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) stats, all but 5% of Hand’s students hail from low-income families, and “for some, whole-grain pancakes may be the only hot meal they’ve gotten that day,” says Lancaster Education Association president Jason Molloy. But after the assistant principal walked into the class during the test, Byler was told he’d be fired for causing a distraction.

The 38-year-old teacher, who has been with the school as a social studies teacher since 2013, says that’s hogwash. “I don’t understand what I did wrong. There was no infraction whatsoever.” To wit, the PDE has no rule that bans making or serving food during the testing, though a rep for the department said that making the pancakes could have hindered Byler’s ability to “actively” monitor the testing.


23 Comments on Teacher Scheduled For Termination For Making His Students Pancakes in Class

  1. Maybe because he didn’t “get permission”? The ruling elite will let us know what we can and cannot do, you know. We are not sufficiently well-informed to make decisions without their input.

  2. Bullshit meter approaching 100%: all but 5% of Hand’s students hail from low-income families, and “for some, whole-grain pancakes may be the only hot meal they’ve gotten that day,” says Lancaster Education Association president Jason Molloy.

  3. Im pretty sure Kyle Byle is likely an Antifa type, hard lefty teacher union Odinga/Hitlery flunky, and probably a homo-pedo, Cop hating, Military hating, Trump bashing marxist.

    I cheer when the left eats their own. I dont know why anyone would defend or sympathize with the enemy. We should be encouraging more of this. Even if by chance the teacher was a good guy, which I highly doubt, its too bad. Thats the price you pay for being “beloved” within the Nazi Party. He should have never joined the Nazis/Antifa if he wasnt prepared for the inevitable. They always turn on each other eventually.

    I will never lift a finger to defend a feminist or homo from the muslime savages that are torturing, raping, and killing them. In fact, I often tell leftists that the only thing I agree with Islime about is their treatment of homos, it makes their heads explode.

  4. He was helping his students with their tests in the most wholesome, healthy and honest way.

    It is very hard to concentrate on much more than what it would take to eat an animal wandering by the window when you are hungry.

    At least I found that to be true for me in school. Still true.

    He was covering that base whether it was needed or not. How could you only give 1 in 20 students a pancake and single them out in front of their peers? Ridiculous. Pancakes for everyone! It’s all practical. Every aspect of it.

    The Asst Principal needs some exposure like Miss Powers in Jacksonville. Put a public slap of shame on his head for being an over controlling asshole.

  5. I read through to the original article, and there is an update that he is not going to be terminated.
    It was definitely an error in judgement for him to cook during a test he was supposed to be proctoring while no other staff were present. A nice end result as he learned just how much his students and their families appreciate him.


    Blow through 5-6 years of college for THAT? That low paying thankless job where you can be fired for pancakes and a shirtless facebook post?

    No way. If you’re going to college for 6 years, come away with a Masters and a job that pays well w/o the bullshit.

  7. This is so unfair to kids who, through no fault of their own, are on strict gluten-free diets….

    He should never be allowed to teach anything, anywhere, to anybody again.

    Probably a heterosexual, too…


  8. The intellectual class has turned the US into a completely shit society, seriously. Whoever makes the call to fire this man should be punched squarely in the goddamn face by Mike Tyson.

  9. I still remember the sense of relief when all my kids finally finished grade school. The whole time was nothing but nervous concern that a teacher would reach out to sabotage their future or give them a record of some type that they could not shake. The whole system needs to be drastically changed.


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