Teacher tells students she will never stand for the pledge of allegiance – IOTW Report

Teacher tells students she will never stand for the pledge of allegiance

CBS46 News

The teacher has told the class she will never have allegiance for the United States.

How does she have a job?

When 2 students (just 2????) put their hands on their heart the teacher allowed the other students to bully the boys and be called Nazi and KKK.

I’m sickened.


42 Comments on Teacher tells students she will never stand for the pledge of allegiance

  1. The school needs to fire that teacher immediately regardless of whether she had the best intentions. This was no lesson on 1st Amendment rights as she is trying to sell now, it was an attempt to indoctrinate the children in her political beliefs and illustrate what will happen if they don’t follow her (the two other kids that were bullied and called nazi and KKK for standing, hands on hearts). She’s a cancer on an already shaky education system and has to go. But because she’s likely black and this is Atlanta nothing more will happen. Parents need to get on those damn school boards.

  2. 913th of 1,203 Georgia Elementary Schools

    Student/Teacher Ratio: 16.3
    Number of students: 623

    Racial breakdown:

    African American:41.9%
    Free/Discounted Lunch Recipients: 86.0%

  3. I don’t care if she is green, she needs to go to Russia to teach communists just like her. Parents should sue the teacher, the principal, the school board and the state for allowing this monstrosity to occur to innocent children.

  4. If you hit Cliche’s link – it might be in your best interest to clear all your browser’s caches afterwards so you don’t get ads for gays wherever you go. Unless you’re into that kind of thing.

  5. I just love his facial expressions. Not in a gay way.

    But not to threadjack too much, the schools are out of control. The time to abolish the NEA is nigh and if it doesn’t happen now, it’s never going to.

  6. How has it come to this, in America of all places? This is stuff straight out of some Orwell novel; this country is just coming apart at the seams I don;t get it. It is hard to watch.

  7. The rational behind ending teacher-led prayer in school was that is represented a government establishment of religion because the teacher was an employee and representative of the government. That’s why public school teachers cannot talk about their faiths in the classroom.

    Therefore, as a representative of the government, teachers must show proper respect for the government and for the country. You can’t have it both ways.

  8. Do the reporterette bints even know the difference between the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem? They seemed to use the terms interchangeably during their report.

  9. Giver her a permanent boat ride. Let her live on a decommissioned barge anchored ten miles off the coast of some intemperate shore. To forever see America, but never to walk on her shores again

  10. So why wasn’t her name given? Read several years ago that shunning should return as a practice used by the people when no laws are broken. Funny how the media protects an adult while interviewing a child.

  11. I once dated a guy who couldn’t detect humor, irony or sarcasm. One time he told me, “You know, if you’re being sarcastic, you should say so.”

    I said, “Oh, yeah. That sounds like a great idea.”

    He said, “really?”

    So I broke up with him.

    Usually Leftists are the humorless ones. But I guess it is a handicap that afflicts all sides of the political spectrum.

  12. Plantsman, I saw the flag stuck on the tree, too. These parents aren’t going to get any satisfaction from the school. Any school that would let a tree grow that close to a flagpole, so the flag could get caught on branches and likely ripped, doesn’t give a rat’s ass about patriotism. I believe if you dig a little, you’ll find that the teacher’s views are in line with the school administration’s views.

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