Teacher Who Supported Drag Queen Visiting School Says Parents Shouldn’t Have “Final Say” in Raising Their Children – IOTW Report

Teacher Who Supported Drag Queen Visiting School Says Parents Shouldn’t Have “Final Say” in Raising Their Children

News Wars-

A teacher at a school in Texas said parents shouldn’t have the “final say” in raising their children after some of them complained about a drag queen visiting the school to give a talk to the children.

Willis High School was paid a visit by an adult drag performer by the stage name “Lynn Adonis” who spent the day with children and exchanged social media contacts with some of them.

School Principal Stephanie Hodgins defended the decision to invite Adonis after parents complained, but English teacher Anthony Lane went further, suggesting that parents should submit to the will of the “community” when it comes to raising their own kids.


27 Comments on Teacher Who Supported Drag Queen Visiting School Says Parents Shouldn’t Have “Final Say” in Raising Their Children

  1. The same as “It takes a village to raise a child” mentality.

    There is nothing more desired by the globalist movement than to have responsibility for everyone including our children in decisions about what THEY think is best.

    This attitude will not stop until we wrest back control and stop it.

  2. “but English teacher Anthony Lane went further, suggesting that parents should submit to the will of the “community” when it comes to raising their own kids.”

    Of course, ‘the community’!
    That wouldn’t necessarily mean the gay community, would it?

  3. You need to understand these assholes. We had a similar thing happen in a neighboring, very conservative, county with grade school kids last year. Made the news. It was actually covered here. The District stood strong in their position. Invoked by their God and the state. This is the way it will be!!! Until about 5K red neck parents showed up to the next school district meeting and now all of a sudden Crickets. And the policy of teaching 8 year old Faggot sex techniques no longer in the study plan.
    Mite Makes Right. And we the people have it. For now.

  4. I am quite sure I’d remember signing a contract, taking an oath, or otherwise making a commitment to be submissive to an English teacher.

    Any parents who still subject their children to the collectivist conditioning and indoctrination of govt-mandated “schooling” are abusing their kids, and skirting mighty damned close to child molestation.

  5. These are your kids educators and more like her coming into teaching every year. You put your kids in their hands for 6 hours a day. Some kids will come out ok, some wont. Its not worth the risk.

  6. This guy looks full blown queer to me. He claims to have a child, I doubt it’s his biological child unless he got some idiot woman to use a turkey baster.
    There are no good public schools, no matter where you live. In rural America, within the past two years we’ve had one school who had a teacher showing 6th grade students porn. Another school where they decided to teach 5th and 6th grade kids sex education without parents permission and it included gay sex. Another school that was teaching 3rd grade kids about masturbation and showed them how to put a condom on a banana and told them it was normal if they were sexually attractive to the same sex.
    Yeah, parents showed up at the schools and screamed and yelled and the schools promised it was a mistake and it wouldn’t happen again. Nobody lost their job, except the teacher who showed porn and he didn’t lose his job until he was criminally charged.
    None of these parents removed their kids from the schools. They just trust that a school who had no problem teaching their kids this shit will now do better. What kind of parent would have this shit taught to their kids send them back to the cesspool? Frankly I get sick of parents whining, it’s not a secret anymore that public schools are not educating children unless they think educating them on how to be queer and have sex at 10 years old is a proper education.

    Here’s an article though with the guy’s picture and original post.


  7. “The speaker did as asked, which was to talk to students about makeup application. The guest speaker did not discuss sexual orientation, lifestyle or anything else other than makeup application.”

    Because the point was only to expose children to the mere existence of a filthy sodomite. Sodomy 101 is the next step.

  8. Hang on. The next several decades are going to be bumpy. Those of us who end up in nursing homes will be having our diapers changed by transsexual, communist, global warming driven, illiterate, fascist, anti-social, goat fucking, common core nitwits.
    But I digress…

  9. Speaking of contracts, I would remind Stephanie Hodgins in no uncertain terms that not all parents have relinquished ownership of their children to the State, or her perverted school system, and that anyone with her fascist, controlling attitude needs a serious adjustment… as in termination!!

  10. In Waterloo Ontario 2012 there was an incident at a public school and the principal proudly declared that they considered themselves “CO-PARENTS” to their students.

    A 4 year old kid drew a picture of his father Jesssie Sansone “shooting Monsters” (A VIDEO GAME) in class.
    Naturally Children’s Aid was called with the police & the whole family was questioned for hours.
    The house was searched for Real firearms (none present) which still shouldn’t have made a difference since it is legal to own firearms in Canada with a license and a school would not have any reason to know if dad was a hunter, collector etc,

    The principal was unapologetic & used the term, … as Co-parents….

    That is how self important some of these Holier Than Thou’s fell about themselves.

    The Goverment actually feels they have a right to your children.

    The father was strip searched and arrested when he picked his kid up at school. Read the story. eventually no charges, but an incident report will always remain in the police and childrens aid computers. The drag queen thing is teachers making a moral decision for your kids as their 3rd parent

  11. “Give me a child to age 7 and I will give you a lifelong communist.”

    Once the bureaucracies and unions took control of the mandatory indoctrination gulag (i.e. “public school system”) our children were lost. Parents lost interest, or were beaten (metaphorically) into quiescence, and, seeing as any one kid was only under a particular school’s oppression for 4 years or less, it didn’t take on the kind of critical alarm it should have. The cumulative effects are devastating to society, civilization, and American-style liberty.
    The maggots emerging from college aren’t very much different from the maggots entering college – just more resonant with the drummed-in propaganda.

    It’s not a “mistake” or a “failure” that children are functionally illiterate and innumerate as they graduate High School with no critical thinking aptitude. No “problem” can sustain itself for 50 to 100 years without active support. They play the part of barking and clapping seals to the nuanced directions of a stage manager because that’s the part they’ve been trained to do – nothing more.

    Hitler-Jugend and the Young Pioneers of the Soviet Union were the precursors of modern American public schools.

    izlamo delenda est …

  12. I’d get my kids out of public school, but the ~$76,000 we’ve been forced to pay at gunpoint to public schools since living at current residence has eliminated that choice for us. Last year those taxes went up 20%+ on a referendum that supposedly makes our houses worth more. Thing is, the value of all houses in the area in the past year has dropped almost 10% since passing more taxes. Imagine that.

  13. “They forget that we make a promise to prepare their children to live in a diverse world.”

    Biggest admission to being an indoctrinator as opposed to an educator I have ever heard.

  14. It always amazes me that the same people who think a mother has the right to kill her child before it is born don’t believe that parents have the right to raise a child how they see fit.

  15. @Kcir November 30, 2019 at 7:43 am

    > In Waterloo Ontario 2012 there was an incident at a public school and the principal proudly declared that they considered themselves “CO-PARENTS” to their students.

    > The house was searched for Real firearms (none present) which still shouldn’t have made a difference since it is legal to own firearms in Canada with a license and a school would not have any reason to know if dad was a hunter, collector etc,

    In 2012, you write? And in what year was the principal’s family found dead? In the house paid for by the proles’ dimes?

    Then, please to hurry up and be beheaded by the New Canadians. They really are newer and better, than the old Canadians.

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