Teaching Math – IOTW Report

Teaching Math

This is isn’t really funny. This is the reality of the state of teaching in America today.

We ave a lot of work to do to change the direction of this country. Let’s hope Trump is our vehicle.

ht/ illustr8r


28 Comments on Teaching Math

  1. sadly, seen this many times & it’s so true

    … glad I was edumacated on ciphering in the ’50’s! … like Jethro Bodine always said, “Naught, naught, carry the naught … “, … “I’m gonna be either a nuclear brain surgeon, or an astronaut… ain’t figgerd out which one yet”

    seriously though, if you can’t figure out the ’50’s answer within 5-7 seconds … please turn in your brain … it hasn’t been used in a while, has it? (& believe me, math is not my strong point… much to my chagrin)

  2. Teaching Math in the 2010’s
    Donald Trump wants to deport Undocumented Workers, illegally wins the Presidency with help from Russian hacking, loses the popular vote & the support of the majority of voters, yet denies Climate Change & causes the Giant Redwood Drive-Thru tree to topple …. if Merle Streep weeps, how much is Donald Trump to blame? …. Every bit, or All?

    Safe Spaces will be provided with Comfort Consolers & Higgie Puppies for those that have been traumatized by this question’s mentioning of Donald Trump

  3. @molon labe
    Sorry I won’t font shop.

    I loved Jethro Bodine’s mathematics! How about when he was working on his gizinters?
    3 gizinter 9, 3 times. 4 gizinter 24, 6 times?

    @BFH. The contrast between this post and the previous one could not be more stark. The west is turning its children into emo pussies with no survival skills. Islam is teaching its children to be heartless killing machines.

  4. In a liberal utopia, math isn’t necessary because money and individual success has no value.

    This is what they mean by the pursuit of equality; equal worthlessness and dependency.

    Remember this, a pond that has achieved equality grows nothing but algae and disease – just like society.

    Now can someone please tell me why equality is such a good thing?

    God created us equally; not to achieve equality.

  5. Q: A nautical mile is defined as 1852 meters. The distance from your vessel to the marina bar is 12,000 yards. Traveling on a direct course at seven knots, how long will it take to reach the bar if you are sailing into a one knot current? (Allowable accuracy: 2%)

    A: What do I care? I have a cooler full of beer.

  6. I went back to college to finish up several years ago, and I have to disagree. Maybe that’s how it is in public school, but college math was NOT like that. There was nothibg “progressive” about it. I just hope that public grade schools are teaching the math that kids need to know for college or life in general.

  7. A logger catches hell but if a snow storm happens to drop a huge tree in California, does anyone blame mammy Gaia?

    Math problem in President Trump era: A logger clears 640 acres of a soft pine tree farm and all the trees are manufactured into Kleenex. How many snowflake tears will they absorb when Trump gets re-elected in 2020?

  8. So, my 1960’s fifth grade edumacation is now equivalent to a master’s degree?
    I’ve watched that Jeff Foxworthy show “Are you smarter than a fifth grader” and the performances some of those adults is cringe-worthy.

  9. @uncle Al. That’s why I went for a political science degree. No math required. You just gotta look pretty in a suit and spew platitudes and talking points.

    Eventually quit that and went into computer programming. That’s where I really learned math.
    Numbers don’t lie. Unless you force them to.

  10. PHenry —

    Also, if it takes a hen and a half a day and a half to lay an egg and a half, how long does it take a rooster sitting on a batch of doorknobs to hatch a hardware store?

    Give up?

    So did the rooster.

    This joke is at least 60 years old. Fun memory.

  11. @Uncle Al at 9:27 pm

    12,000 yards @ 6 knots
    1 League = 6076.11549 yards
    12000 yards = 1.974946 leagues
    6 Knots = 6.9047 Miles Per Hour
    12000 yards = 6.818 miles
    6.81800 / 6.9047 = 0.987443336 Hour
    0.987443336 * 60 = 59.2466002 minutes

    Drinks in a Big League hour
    or 1 Mark-34

    Mark-34 Torpedo
    Type: Acoustic
    Effective firing range 3600-12,000 yards
    Warhead Mk 34 Mod 1, HBX
    Warhead weight 116 pounds
    Detonation mechanism Mk 19 Mod 7 contact exploder

    Engine: Electric
    Speed 11-17 knots
    (6-30 minutes search duration)

    Guidance System: Random Search Circles
    Launch platform: Antisubmarine Aircraft

    Length: 125 inches
    Diameter: 19 inches
    Fin span: 26.4 inches
    Weight: 1,150 lb
    Warhead: 116 lb HBX
    11 knots (search mode)
    17 knots (attack mode)
    Range and endurance:
    30 minutes or 12,000 yards (11,000 m) at 11 knots (20 km/h)
    6 to 8 minutes or 3,600 yards (3,300 m) at 17 knots (31 km/h)

  12. One of the ways you can spot cult thinking in education is when cult concerns infiltrate into math curriculum; like when multi-culti verbiage finds its way into math problems. I saw this happening in my kids take home math homework 15 years ago.

    Third Reich school curricula would do this. “A panzer Mark IV tank uses x amount of petrol per kilometer. Oberststurmbahnfuehrer’s Schmidt’s Panzer battalion 24 Mark IV panzers. How much petrol must be allocated to him for his battalion to reach Y”

    I went to Catholic schools for 12 years and I never saw a math problem like — Father Feeney uses 75 hosts for Communion at Morning mass. If Father says five Masses on Sunday, etc … how many hostc does he need to order in two weeks. Nothing even remotely like that, ever.

  13. @ViDc – Winner! You got the answer of about one hour the long way, though. For mental arithmetic, one nautical mile is very close to 2,000 yards, so 12,000 yds is six nautical miles. Seven knots into a one knot current is six knots, so your travel time is one hour.

    That’s close enough unless you’re trying to torpedo the marina!

    Follow-on question…
    I you drink your first beer in 5 minutes, and each subsequent beer takes one minute longer than the previous one, how many beers will you have opened when you crash into the marina bar dock?

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