Team Trump Announces Five Year Lobbying Ban for Administration Officials – IOTW Report

Team Trump Announces Five Year Lobbying Ban for Administration Officials

Breitbart-President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team announced that they will institute a five year lobbying ban on members of their administration.

The ban was announced by Trump transition team official Sean Spicer, who stated that each member of the administration would be required to sign a form stating that they would not be a lobbyist.

Spicer added that registered federal or state lobbyists would not be allowed to serve in the Trump administration, but did not explicitly mention former lobbyists.


4 Comments on Team Trump Announces Five Year Lobbying Ban for Administration Officials

  1. The fuckin rats, mice, ticks, termites, lice, chiggers, cockroaches, and spiders always make it into the house.

    Good luck with that. Results are what matter; not words, not promises, not “signals,” and not expressions of disapproval.

    Don’t advertise virtue – just do it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. What a bastard. Trying to drain the swamp, starting with his own administration! How DARE he. He promised jobs and here he is limiting a faction from gaining employment. Bastard!

    (Whee, trying to sound like a Liberal crybaby is difficult. Sarcasm is not my thing, I guess).

  3. it’s a shame we even have to make a law like this one or a term limit law.

    with the msm proctology exam they give any candidate but their chosen one it’s no wonder no one with any character wants to run but the sleeze ball lawyers who do run.

    it’s always a decision between a shit sandwich and a giant douche, except this time, we had trump to vote for.

    let’s ban lawyers from running for public office while we are at it.

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