Tearing Down the Silicon Valley Wall – IOTW Report

Tearing Down the Silicon Valley Wall

American Greatness:
Victor Davis Hanson-

The country is ready for a revolution. And Musk believes he can lead it with his Silicon-Valley sledgehammer.

Elon Musk has finally managed to buy Twitter. And the moment he did, the enraged Left flipped out. 

Abruptly leftists began trashing their favorite electronic communications platform as the domain of the nation’s elite, professional classes. Had they just discovered that they had been racists and privileged users all this time? 

And what happened to the Left’s former worship of Musk as the man who revolutionized the clean, green automobile industry with his Tesla electric car company?

Or Musk the space revolutionary and hip star trekker, who with his own money helped ensure the United States remains preeminent in space exploration?

Or Musk, the patriot who is providing free next-generation internet service to the underdog Ukrainians fighting Russians for their lives? 

No matter. The Left reviles Musk because he has announced that Twitter will be the one social-media platform whose business is not to censor or massage free speech in an otherwise monopolist, intolerant, and hard-Left Silicon Valley. 

Who knows, Musk might even allow former president Donald Trump to communicate on Twitter—in the fashion that the terrorist Taliban, Iranian theocrats, and violent Antifa protesters all take for granted in their daily access to Twitter. 

But how did the once free-speech, anti-trust, let-it-all-hang out Left become a Victorian busybody, a censorious Soviet, and an old-fashioned robber-baron monopoly? 

When it discovered that few Americans wanted left-wing, socialist politics it turned elsewhere. It found power instead through control of American institutions, from academia and Wall Street to traditional and social media.  more here

3 Comments on Tearing Down the Silicon Valley Wall

  1. Hanson is the best at identifying and explaining a problem but like almost all the pontificators, he’s pitiful at solutions. IOW tell me something I don’t know mmmK?

    And the comments continue to call for Jordan as Speaker. I do not get the adulation. There are a couple solid House members that would really bring some change as Speaker, Jim Jordan ain’t one of them.

  2. Jordan is the only one I trust. Faithful to Trump through out. Steve Scalise just had a private meeting with Gaetz about the horrible things he’s been saying about RINO Leadership. You can now take him off the list.

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