Tech CEO Forced to Step Down after Expressing Support for Texas Abortion Law – IOTW Report

Tech CEO Forced to Step Down after Expressing Support for Texas Abortion Law

Neon Nettle: The CEO of a large American video game company was forced to step down after he faced liberal backlash for his tweet supporting Texas’s abortion law that passed last week.

John Gibson, the CEO of TripWire, tweeted he was “proud” of the Supreme Court for upholding the “fetal heartbeat” bill.

Gibson wrote on Twitter:

“Proud of #USSupremeCourt affirming the Texas law banning abortion for babies with a heartbeat.”

“As an entertainer, I don’t get political often.”

“Yet with so many vocal peers on the other side of this issue, I felt it was important to go on the record as a pro-life game developer.” read more

6 Comments on Tech CEO Forced to Step Down after Expressing Support for Texas Abortion Law

  1. “His comments disregarded the values of our whole team, our partners, and much of our broader community.”

    He said that there are “…many vocal peers on the other side of this issue…” Acknowledging a disagreement not the same as disregarding it.

    What he DID disregard was that the team, partners, and “community” are ferociously intolerant of dissent when it comes to prog causes and politics.

    Hey, corp prog assholes! You cannot “foster a more positive environment” by enforcing such a negative environment.

    Daily firings will continue until the last person left either agrees with himself or quits.

  2. The object of being in business is to move dollars from other peoples bank accounts in to yours. I take the same stand with this guy as I do with libtards. Keep your God Damn mouth shut and laugh all the way to the bank. Like the old days.

  3. A person can proudly and loudly endorse infanticide and in our popular culture that is seen as a virtue. But, believing in the sanctity of life will cost you your job. Fix it, Jesus.


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