Tech Giants’ Ban on Alex Jones May Be Having the Opposite Effect – IOTW Report

Tech Giants’ Ban on Alex Jones May Be Having the Opposite Effect

New American:

[…] Upon the news that Jones was being removed from many of the top Internet platforms, subscriptions to his InfoWars app have skyrocketed. Ironically, the app has been listed on Google Play and iTunes as one of the top downloaded apps of last week.

“The good news is InfoWars has had the highest traffic it’s ever had — 5.6 million new subscribers in the past 48 hours — and so has my radio show,” Jones told the Daily Mail. “De-platforming doesn’t do anything —we already have the subscribers —it doesn’t do very much.”  more here

7 Comments on Tech Giants’ Ban on Alex Jones May Be Having the Opposite Effect

  1. This is a prime example of the Streisand effect. Alex Jones had a reputation of being kooky, but his ban by major platforms and the ensuing publicity has led people to check him out to see what Jones is really about.


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