It was inevitable that Michael Drejka would be indicted. I wrote about it here, but stopped short of offering my own opinion on whether it was a lawful shoot or not.
The shooting victim retreats before Drejka fires. There is no way that this retreat was going to be ignored.
The prosecution has gone for the lesser charge, manslaughter, which they probably feel can be more easily proven in front of a jury.
Black lives only matter after they commit felonies and are shot as a result.
Ban all the felonies!
Sad all the way around:
dead black bully who started it
scared white guy who either doesn’t *get* what “SYG” means or did and panicked/overstepped
IMHO, both individuals were looking for trouble. Both found it.
The shooter escalated. You cannot do that. Shoving an asshole who then happens to be feeble and falls down is not equivalent to an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm, especially when the initial aggressor then turns away as if “done”. The shooter could have pointed the gun and stopped there. He is going to be convicted.
I once saw a sign in a park that said “Illegal acts are against the law.” In that spirit we should do as Old Oaks suggests and make felonies illegal.
Janitor.. Your wrong! Shoving someone can be seen as a Imminent Threat especially if blind-sided! From the video you can clearly see the aggressor didn’t turn at all but stepped back when he saw the gun being drawn… The charges are for show.. everyone has to be entertained..
The cops told my wife, who is a teacher, that the zone within an arms length is considered your space, and you can defend that space from an intruder….he didn’t say she could defend if the guy was running away….in other words, if you can outrun him and get in front, then you can shoot him….
Shooter, a little weak in the head; self appointed defender of handicap parking spot. Was not violent initially, just running his mouth.
Ghetto thug, parks in handicap spot w/o permit and clearly no handicap. Gives brutal knockdown to verbal defender of handicapped parking spot.
Thug’s ego is in full bloom for his girlfriend. Thug holds his ground, not considering people are allowed to carry. Gets exterminated.
Weak minded shooter gets to be a test case. All should keep their radar on.
This case is right on the edge. It’s my opinion that the guy should not have shot, but what with adrenalin pumping and the speed with which he hit the ground, I can understand why he thought pulling the trigger was justified.
There is no apparent connection between my opinion and what will happen at trial. I can see it going either way.
The thug was black and therefore incapable of committing a crime.
I agree 100% with Uncle Al.
My initial post was merely about the bias in the reporting, with reporters building their case against the guy in the slanted way they told the “full” story.
But if I were to offer an opinion at the time I would have said that the incident deserves a day in court for both sides because this one is right on the edge.
His lawyer better be damn good and creative.
I would never confront anyone
over a stupid handicap parking space or any parking
You see what can happen ???
Unless there is some powerful evidence other than the video, a manslaughter conviction seems likely here. You pull a gun, the assailant backs up, DON’T SHOOT. But court can still be a roll of the dice. If his attorney really is, as Fur said, “damn good and creative”, he may have a chance.
So a non-hispanic white guy shoots a Roman Scot of formerly Austrian descent (after all, what kind of name is Markeis McGlockton?) over a handicap spot neither needed. Makes perfect sense in Florida.
Demetrius O’Ruger, for the defense, your Honor.
The punk had it coming, I’d of shot his ass too if I got shoved like that without a doubt.
Many of you might not agree but I wouldn’t take an attack like that. The only difference I see is I would have dried my gun into the prick.
I don’t think the shooter is going to overcome the Zimmerman factor, and he’s going to be found guilty. Too many potential jurors are going to be afraid to acquit him because of the potential ramifications.
Anybody with sense would have run, O.J. style, when it was clear the guy on the ground was reaching for ????? The thug could have survived.
A step-back and stop, while leaning forward, is not a retreat. Ask any kid who got his ass beat in school. The dead guy was resetting, preparing for the second round.
It was a good shoot.
But the baying hounds have been released, the mob has pitchforks and torches, and the truth will be damned.
Dumb ass Obama son took illegal handicap spot out of habit. Did not look handicapped. Parking right smack dab in front of the door would have saved a few steps and been legal. But no. He just had to push his luck and take the illegal handicap spot. Deserved his fate and good riddance.
I’d bet that silly tv series about poor gentle Trayvon airing on Paramount and BET channels will have its influence on the atmosphere surrounding this case. (and not I haven’t watched a single second of it)
Monday morning quarterbacking. The big guy shoved that guy hard to the ground. When you’re on the ground you can get tackled and the crap beat out of you. Did he pull the trigger too quick? Tough call. Florida you never know who has a gun and who doesn’t. Split seconds can mean your life.
Just to set the stage, I live in California and have had a carry permit for probably close to 16 years. We don’t have the “Stand Your Ground Law” here. But we do have the “Castle Doctrine”.
The guy I take my CCW classes from is a Post Certified Instructor who is a Sacramento County Sheriff. Fairly high up in the agency.
There’s no shooting in his class. We spend 12 hours of what’s going to keep you out of jail. He uses actual case history and roll playing while relating them back to the appropriate penal code.
That old white dudes going to jail.
Vietvet is right. They both got what they were after.
He let his self-righteousness overrule his common sense. These confrontations are just stupid. He would have been better off to take a picture of the car with the license plate visible and send it to the police website, not that it would have done any good, but at least he wouldn’t be heading to court.
Maybe they could have “Handicap” cameras like they have at red lights. The longer you’re parked in one improperly, the higher the fine. đŸ˜‰
According to my observations, most people have no handicap and abuse handicapped parking because they deem themselves entitled to an up front parking space.
I dont think the shooter saw the victim step back. The shooter could not retreat effectively, being shoved to the ground, so pulled his firearm and stopped the attacker. Should be acquitted.
We all have our opinions….. but…. Florida.
Not the sanest of track records. Each state has different laws about this sort of thing. In my state, this would probably be manslaughter. New Mexico, probably murder.
Texas? Possibly how they pick homecoming kings for each high school.
Tough call…. tough call….
We should probably set up a betting pool to settle this.