Ted Cruz Anti-Trump Ad – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Anti-Trump Ad

A new Cruz ad has 3 boys playing with dolls and a playhouse. One kid says he has the new Trump Action figure. One asks, “what does it do?”

The kid says, “he pretends to be a republican.”

“I make donations to Pelosi and Weiner,” says another.

One kid says, “I’m going to take your house with eminent domain and park my limos there.”

The tagline is, “we wouldn’t tolerate these values in our children, why would we want them in a president?”

I’m going to review this ad purely as a creative, not through the lens of picking and choosing which candidate I want or do not want. (I’ll take Cruz or Trump, by the way.)

I often get all over the left for creating a mess of an ad. I liked this ad (even though the Cruz campaign still hasn’t gotten the memo that Trump never knocked down that lady’s house) as an effective piece of agitprop, until they got to the tagline. The tagline is a mess.

What values being displayed here wouldn’t we tolerate in our children?

They are pretending to be successful businessmen, making donations to the politicians they have to deal with, and building real estate and parking their limos. Sounds great.

If you’re Bernie Sanders you’re horrified that your kids are playing this game. Why would a republican not want these values?

Ted Cruz explained how eminent domain is constitutional and that he would use it. So, what’s the problem with that?

Is it the part about “pretending to be a republican”?

Yes. Agreed. I get very distressed when my 6 year-old kid pretends to be a republican. 

All in all, it’s an effective ad if you don’t mind that it has a bit of an anti-capitalist message.


19 Comments on Ted Cruz Anti-Trump Ad

  1. I found the ad too childish to be effective.
    While children *can* be effective
    (SEE: LBJ’s “Daisy” ad),
    this ain’t no Daisy.

    As confusing as you found the tagline, I found it WHINY, in a “think of dee leetle cheeldren!” kind of way.

  2. Ventura Guy — You’ve over-interpreted my comment. It would have been funnier (and better) if the producer had spray painted a cotton ball with gold paint and glued it to the doll’s head. I know it would make me pay more attention to the ad.

    (And why do the parents look like libtards, afraid to go into their kid’s bedroom?)

  3. I think all these attack ads are a yuuge waste of time and money. The RNC, DNC, both senate and congressional caucuses, and all the R and D superPACS have shelled out millions and millions for anti-Trump ads. Pffft. To no effect. They should take their money and just buy off the votes like in the olden days.

  4. Yes, Ted Cruz and the rest of the uniparty candidates don’t want kids to grow up to be wealthy business people, they want them to be comrades/ citizens/ useful idiots /serfs /peasants /minions. Take your pick. The uniparty wants to be the rulers in our society and the communist core education standards will ensure the the rest of us, the little people, will fall in line and let them rule over us.

  5. Just my opinion but, when they fight each other they are giving the Left free ammunition, possibly even free votes. Their goal can only be to turn voters away from the other candidate — and that is what they are doing: turning voters away. What if they cause some to switch sides and vote for one of the communists who are running?

    I would much rather see them fighting with all they got against the Left, not against each other like this.

    Both of our candidates (f*ck all the rest) should be explaining their own negatives and how they are going to correct them, instead of pointing out (at the enjoyment of the Left) their opponent’s negatives.

    But what the hell do I know about campaigning or politics anyway….

    I like it a lot better when they speak well of their opponents – like gentlemen, (but not like pussies).

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