Ted Cruz Better Cut Loose His “Katrina Pierson” – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Better Cut Loose His “Katrina Pierson”


beck iowa

Ted, looking sheepish and ashamed to be standing next to his attack proxy- drunk uncle Glenn.

Having Glenn Beck hanging around on stage with Ted Cruz is a major mistake on Ted’s part, especially when he says things like-


“Honesty, faith and truth are basic requirements. And quite honestly, I have to tell you, this probably isn’t going to go over very well, that’s why I like Bernie Sanders,” he said. “Bernie Sanders is like, ‘Yep, I’m a socialist.’


Let me get this straight. He’d rather vote for the confirmed commie than take the chance of voting for the guy that he speculates might be a commie.

Gotcha, Glenn.

(Someone better change the combination to the liquor cabinet.)

34 Comments on Ted Cruz Better Cut Loose His “Katrina Pierson”

  1. The guy imitating Harpo will be the winner because he will be the only one keeping his mouth shut while the rest of the contenders shoot themselves in the foot by running their mouth.

  2. I hope Ted’s problem here is misplaced loyalty. I can see letting a friend that you’ve invested a lot of emotion and time in think he’s helping you – you hate to just throw a real friend under the bus even if they’ve gone nuts, But if Cruz really thinks Beck will be a positive for him as some type of adviser, he needs to take another look at himself and his own judgment. At least he didn’t actually hire Beck (I hope).

  3. Maybe it’s time for candidates to chuck the whole endorsements thing. It’s way beyond helping anyone decide the fate of the country. Then again, I guess it helps fill in the boring parts of elections. Cruz’s Cracker Jack prize was a lot better than Trump’s was. Apparently Beck gave him a compass from Geo. Washington. I might have asked Beck to endorse me, too, just to get that.

  4. OT – but interesting. Read today that John McCain is trying to surpass Uncle Joe Biden by calling American voters “crazies.” He leveled that charge at Trump supporters, most of whom are just trying to Make America Great Again. You would have thought he’d learned from his “whacko” remark about tea party-ers.

  5. This is getting crazy. BigFur I’ve always appreciated your commentary and I have not followed Beck in a long time, but its a bit disingenuous to claim that he said he’d vote for Sanders. The quote from the gatewaypundit post has him saying the same thing he’s always said, dating back to Obama’s campaigns. He’d rather have someone like Sanders RUNNING for President because Bernie makes no secrets about being a Socialist. His theory (not saying I agree with it) is that the American people can then choose if they want a Socialist of not, instead of voting for candidates who claim to be something they are not. Where does he say he, or any conservative, would VOTE for Bernie?

    It just doesn’t seem like such a big ‘gotcha’ to me.

  6. I would also hope that Cruz is smart enough not to have agreed to the “swearing in” deal and was completely surprised by it himself. In the heat of the moment it would be hard to know how to respond without causing an embarrassing scene (he could have told Beck that was a stupid idea, but that wouldn’t be pretty either) But them’s the risks ya take when you associate with a loose cannon..

  7. Look at the video above in the comments.
    Beck is saying, with his own lips, he would have voted for Hillary before McCain.

    You think it’s a crazy leap, too unbelievable to think, that he’d say he’d vote for Sanders rather than Trump?

    I’m not throwing Cruz under the bus, nor Trump.

    But Beck?

    He belongs under the depot.

  8. Jim,

    Agreed. As much as I LOVE IOTW, the convenient leaving out of pertinent information and/or reporting out of context for the sake of a catchy headline is something I would expect from lefttards. Seeing it here (repeatedly in regards to Glenn Beck) is disappointing.

    I’m half expecting to read a post here about Glenn being in love with his sister because he made that statement on the air once (in jest) to prove the point that some people will accept literally ANY behavior. It sounds bad enough IN context. Taken OUT of context… WHAT A HEADLINE!!!

    That criticism aside, I still love you Fur! (In a manly “let’s grab a beer” kind of way) And welcome to Florida.

  9. Beck says he would have voted for Hillary over McCain, he says he prefers Sanders to Trump, but I’m going out of bounds to suggest he’s implying he’d vote for Sanders over Trump?

    Let Beck take offense to what I wrote. I’d like to see him defend it.

    What you’re saying is that he’s simply saying that he prefers a candidate when you know where they stand.

    Well, he knew where McCain stood, clearly to the right of Hillary, yet he would have voted for her.


  10. A lot of Christians didn’t vote for Romney because he was Mormon. I wonder what these same Christians who may like Cruz but see Mor(m)on Beck moving in on their turf are thinking? Will this cause some to defect to another candidate? Unintended dynamic for sure. If Ted wins Glenn will say, “Remember that George Washington compass I gave you? Yeah….”

  11. Hillary would have damaged the country. Maybe less than Obimbo, but damaged nonetheless.

    John McCain would have damaged the country. Certainly less than Obimbo but in the process, he would have damaged the Republican party far worse.

    I’m not saying that I agree with his decision, necessarily, but at least I can understand how he arrived at it.

    Unless he is almost EVERYTHING that we hope he will be, Trump has the same potential.

  12. Beck can say whatever he chooses to say, he shows his true colors and reinforces the fact that he’s one sick person. Like Boehner he’s a petulant cry baby. I never did like either ass hole.

  13. Beck has said, more than once, that at least Bernie Sanders is honest about being a communist; he’ll admit to it, compared to Hillary or the RINO/Progs who are running.

    He did NOT say he’d vote for Hillary. He has said he would stay home before voting for her. Hate Beck if you want to, but report honestly.

  14. If we were all sitting in a room together discussing this with Fur as the discussion leader, he’d be eyeballing me to watch my facial expressions, ’cause over the years I’ve been a pretty reliable Beck apologist. I admit I’m not quick to jettison someone who I think has been helpful and Beck was one of the main people who took up educating the general public on American history, especially about the founders and Christianity’s role in our foundation. He gave a huge voice to the tea party in ’09 and onward. I’ve never cared about his Mormonism because he never made it a centerpiece of his evangelism, as in “Mormons are going to take over the world!” I disagree with that religion but the online media made more of it than he ever did. Sure, he’s a promoter, mostly of himself, but I didn’t care about that as much as that he was able to put alot of what is wrong with this country, politicians and all that on prime time at the cable news station most watched in the country. A lot of people knew who Soros was but had no idea all his influence, all his connections to everything. Most of us can thank Beck for knowing what the Tides Foundation is or how Gore, et al, tried to make carbon credits a central money maker at CCX. I was really grateful to Beck for exposing all the ideological connections of obama’s Czars and their nefarious mentors, partners and incestuous connections. Many times he was the only person who persisted in digging that stuff up.

    What bothers me most now about Beck, Cruz or any of this “stuff” is the pharisaical zeal of “purity” — both evangelical and ideological purity. I’ve married the idea with the term “organized conservatism.” This business of developing a secret handshake for who is and is not conservative enough or religious enough is older than dirt. It’s never ended well. Everyone likes to throw around the example of Nazism, but we’ve had a more recent example of religious purity and a lot of people have lost their head heads over it. I don’t like the concept in Nazism, Islamism or American Christian evangelism. First Amendment and all, you know.

    Beck’s an entertainer. He’s made a fortune off it. I don’t begrudge him that, Trump made his off real estate — two fine expressions of their right to pursue happiness through hard work. But there’s no formula and this is where Beck thinks only true seekers will find the secret of alchemy. And that makes him an authentic crack pot.

  15. No. He does not say he would have stayed home.
    Look at the video linked above yours in the comment section.

    In a word association exercise with a reporter she says, “Hillary Clinton.”

    He says, “I can’t believe I’m saying this. I think I much would have preferred her as president, and may have voted for her over John McCain.”

    You can strip away words like “may have” when you’re listening to this stuff. That’s bullshitty “plausible deniability” crapcake when you’re “going there” with statements like the one he made.

  16. Let’s see…would a smart dandidate want to be endorsed by Palin or Beck?

    Obviously this was a HUGE mistake for Cruz since 40% of the nation is laughing at him while only 10% is laughing at Trump…

  17. I am so tired of hearing that it’s Christians fault for not voting for romney. Where is your proof? We know of massive voter fraud that completely explains why ovomit got the second gig. But no, blame it on evangelical Christians instead. I will tell you, I will not hold my nose and vote for a bipartisan fusion party toad again. It’s Trump or my cat. And if he turns out to be like ALL the rest, than really, what fucking difference will it make? This country is already on life support, does it matter if it is Trump, bernie or my cat that pulls the plug?

  18. When I saw in your article that Glen Beck said “I’D RATHER VOTE FOR BERNIE SANDERS THAN DONALD TRUMP.” I went to see it on you tube… He said no such thing.. How about a little honesty in your reporting.. don’t be a lying leftard reporter.

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