Ted Cruz Lays Bare the SLIME Which is Andrew McCabe – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Lays Bare the SLIME Which is Andrew McCabe

This is, indeed, a curb stomping.

ht/ c. steven tucker

15 Comments on Ted Cruz Lays Bare the SLIME Which is Andrew McCabe

  1. @Joe6pak- naaah that’s too easy.

    I tell the crew, “may they have a boil on the top of their ass…forever.”

    Or chronic back pain for the rest of life.

    Or constant headaches for the rest of life.

    Or…I can go on. BUT not any need for the cig treatment…yet.

  2. Every good lawyer knows the answer to his question before he asks it. McCabe knew that Cruz knew the answer to his question, so he was boxed into a corner. Cruz layed him bare and then delivered the knockout blow.

    Of course, since there will be no appreciable consequences to McCabe it twas merely a flesh wound.

  3. Well that was fun to watch.
    I think the more voter fraud that shown the more these weasels are sweating. If Trump gets his rightful place in the WH these jerks are going to be choosing a scapegoat and it could be any one of them. Depending on who can get more fellow conspirators to go after one person.

  4. Sorry, im not impressed. Do you want to impress me? Bring charges, a warrant for his arrest, Impeach him so he no longer receives any pension. For fucks sake, do something other than talk!

    Seriously, if this man’s actions are allowed to go unpunished, we are looking at a country that will never be the same. Talk is no longer adequate.


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