Ted Cruz Not Interested In Being On SCOTUS – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Not Interested In Being On SCOTUS

CBS -During an interview for Face the Nation, host John Dickerson asked Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) if he would consider accepting the vacant spot on the Supreme Court after the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. This comes after Republican presidential candidates and Republican members of the senate have vowed not to approve anyone President Obama nominates during his last year in office.

“That is not a job I’m interested in.” Cruz said and added, “The job I’m interested in is appointing 3, 4, 5 Supreme Court justices, is defending the constitution.”

The Texas senator vowed that as president he would reverse the damages done by Barack Obama and that he would be “faithful and vigorous defending the constitution.”

For more of our interview with Sen. Ted Cruz click here.

8 Comments on Ted Cruz Not Interested In Being On SCOTUS

  1. Judges … even Supreme Court Judges … are nothing more, and nothing less, than politically-connected shysters.

    We have seen many times that they have no scruples, cannot read, and are subject to delusions of adequacy – that they are just as prone to find “rights” in the shadows and penumbras of the Constitution as they are to abrogate the Rights that are plainly written. The life term is too long and a simpler means to unseat them needs to be fashioned.

    And I think Sen. Cruz doth protest too much …

  2. …but Ted, you would do a good job defending the Constitution while on the bench. Now, Trump is going to gloat that he was going to appoint you but now you’re acting like a big baby.

  3. His choice of words is important. In saying that being a justice is not a job he’s interested in, he is not saying it is not a job he might want. Right now, he’s focusing on the job he really wants and that seems pretty reasonable to me.

  4. This is the correct answer. I think he would do a fantastic job on the bench, but for him to admit an interest would make him look like he is hedging his bets.

    Let’s be serious, of course he would be interested. But this is a loaded question (and what questions from the mainstream media aren’t?), and by keeping the focus on what is is doing right now, he gave the best possible answer.

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