Ted Cruz shows his ability to be a double- talking weasel – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz shows his ability to be a double- talking weasel

30 Comments on Ted Cruz shows his ability to be a double- talking weasel

  1. There’s a tweet from him calling them (anyone that was on capitol grounds, he didn’t distinguish cop beaters then either) terrorists right after 1/6 happened. He’s been using the same language since day 1. He didn’t mis-speak at all.

  2. @ecp

    Just because he has been consistently using an invalid definition of the word does not make him any less wrong. Assaulting a cop in any capacity is not terrorism.

    But even given that, his sop to the enemy (those leftists that trumpet comparisons to Pearl Harbor and 9-11 in a lame attempt to keep it relevant)made no distinction between the cop assualters and the rest of the crowd at the Capitol. He labelled everyone present as domestic terrorists.

    We can only hope that Ted is utilizing the keen intellect he brags about to accurately assess the pile of shit he stepped in and do everything in his power to make it right.

  3. This was the guy that Levin went to the mat for in 2016. Was he better than Beto? Of course. I always have hated answering a question with a question but Lord above, will it always be a choice between a communist and a squish? When you seriously have no choice.

    Now he and cheetos man are oh such DJT supporters.

    Just sayin”

  4. He didn’t have to comment at all. That makes his decision to throw in with Pelosi, et al, worse because he ran the risk and the blowback through his head and decided it was worth it. The original question was “What’s up with Ted?” It’s too bad Carlson didn’t press for the answer. Instead, the back and forth devolved — as Cruz threaded the needle — into an argument about what is and isn’t a terrorist.

    Yes, Cruz was agitated/nervous, but I could see when he knew he’d successfully obfuscated/avoided talking about his motivation for opening his big yap in the first place.

    He’s an oily operator.

  5. I still laugh when I remember the pictures and videos of these pussies hiding and pissing themselves. Heck, nothing really happened in the building even by the government loons and antifa loons other than a few broken windows and people sitting at Pelosi’s desk until some affirmative hire POS murderer shot and killed an unarmed woman.

    I’ve watched tons of videos and have yet to see all of these cops getting beat like this dumbass says. I did see a lot of cops beating people for no reason. So if there were any terrorists that day it was the cops and the affirmative action hire, they were terrorizing people.

    The best thing that could happen to this country is D.C. to be wiped off the face of the map with all the government stooges, elected, selected and non-elected there that day. I keep hoping some big storm will blow them all away or a meteorite will hit them.
    Hopefully MTG and Gaetz and a few others in the House are absent, but other than that I would shed no tears.

  6. Still butt-hurt about that whole “Rafael Cruz and Lee Harvey Oswald” dirty trick, Ted? You can blame Trump for running with it, but it was a Dem smear op. You’re as bad as Mitt, in my book. You can’t handle smashmouth politics, and now you’ve soiled yourself for a little leftist love. This crap is why, even ifvwe take the House and Senate, nothing will change.

  7. He showed his true colors. “Terrorism”… What an asshole. Does he give Pelosi tongue jobs on demand too? His political payoff for saying that in regards to his Presidential ambitions will be a big fat negative.

  8. @Anonymous
    “Ted: politically, you’re dead.
    Beto O’Rourke is coming to get ya.”

    Ah, the “Blue Bolshevik team” expert have spoken again.
    That did not work well last time.
    Plus, Beta is not running for the Senate, he is running for the governor.
    You can’t even get your facts straight. Why bother posting?
    Ted is not perfect, has his mistakes, but unless you are a democrat (which at this point, I am starting to think you are), then you should never cheer for them, because a Republican made a mistake or said something stupid.
    At the end of the day, actions speak louder than words, and Ted Cruz’s history and his voting history tells me all I want to know about him.

  9. @Anonymous
    “He lost me back in 2016 when he claimed to be a Evangelical Christian”
    I doubt you ever supported him, but your true colors are showing.
    You hate someone for the crime of having Christian faith.
    That’s something Islamofacists, Nazis, fascist, communists, and the democrats all have in common with you. Congratulations.

  10. My problem with Ted has always been that he is not just any lawyer, he is a superb one. Great lawyers are unable to see things in black and white. There is no well defined right and wrong. Everything is a shade of grey.

  11. Well, no need for the rest of us to post here; john smith knows EVERYTHING.
    Name something notable either cornyn or cruz has done for TX and I’ll give you an ear.
    So far you’re just a bag of unverified opinions.

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