Ted Cruz Called for Border Wall in April, 2012 – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Called for Border Wall in April, 2012

Soshable, Ted Cruz has been fighting for a wall on the border for several years. Here’s a couple of instance against hostile audiences when he was making the difficult pitch for building a wall in front of people who clearly were against the concept.

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35 Comments on Ted Cruz Called for Border Wall in April, 2012

  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa – 2:27 mark – Ted Cruz is FOR EMINENT DOMAIN!
    “The Constitution also provides that property can be taken by due process of law, and just compensation… “

  2. Ugh. The problem with the political class is that it is always a “conversation”, it is always somewhere in that pleasant fuzzy future of perfect ideology.

    I once asked of a liberal, “who would be the person chosen to educate those who make the “right” decisions for the populace in a socialized society?”

  3. A complete border wall and putting the brakes on a “pathway to citizenship” would have NEVER come up and been the main issue of this election if it weren’t for Trump. And he’s not going to let clinton or sanders get everyone sidetracked with social issues like gay marriage and transgender bathrooms between the nomination and the GE. No wall, no country. Illegal aliens, no country. Illegals/path to citizenship, no job growth for citizens. More than half — a lot more — across the political spectrum knows these things. Trump makes these points without once mentioning Republican/Liberal or Democrat/Republican. Those are 4 devisive words he avoids.

    If Cruz pivots to the center, he’ll piss off his base. If he keeps to the conservative right, he’ll scare off anyone who isn’t willing to risk voting for “heartless” Republicans ideologues. Not my words, theirs.

  4. Little known fact, money and laws were approved in 2010 for a complete wall on southetn border. Janet Napolitano used the money and built a “virtual” wall. No bs.

  5. Not to burst anyone’s bubble here, but there ain’t gonna be no wall. Not an effective one, anyway. Not one paid for by the Mexicans, or us, or anybody else who can’t afford it. Not one built by Trump, or Cruz, or the resurrected ghosts of the Chinese who built the Great Wall of China, or the Commies who built the Berlin Wall (we know how well those endeavors worked out, don’t we?)

    Any engineers out there? You might want to weigh in on this issue.

    Here’s one engineer’s opinion:


    Talk is cheap. Labor and building material aren’t.

  6. It is fun to sit back and watch the way in which different stories are presented and then twisted.

    No surprises here. Of course a few interesting things comes out.

    First the attacks seem to be repeated. A video of a single interview with Megyn Kelly in which Cruz is discussing what he saw at the time as the process that had to be executed juxtaposed against Trumps loud mouth soundbites that make promises without any specifics.

    So now we have two different interviews with Cruz from 2011 and this one from 2012 in which he clearly defines what he wants and what he would do in detail. But of course this is just a politician speaking. As if Trump is not the same when he has interviews I have come across from similar time periods in which he clearly says that we can’t leave these immigrants out in the cold and we need to provide the means for them to come back here.

    It’s fine if you want to support Trump and claim he “means it”, but don’t fool yourself into believing he is anything more than another politician and just one who is better than most at changing positions at the drop of a hat.

    Second, I love the meme that if not for Trump we would never have been speaking about immigration. While he was one of the first to bring it up last year he was not the only one. And unless you can predict the future and play perfect “what ifs” you can’t know with any certainty that it wouldn’t still be a huge issue in the campaign. The fact is that it started to be a major issue and some candidates were already addressing it. Trump got more attention only because of his loud mouth tactics and his need for drawing attention to his campaign. So he made a few comments. Seems to me that a few folks were already laying out plans and at least in Cruz’s case these plans were the same as Trumps when it comes to a wall.

    It just seems a little contradictory to claim that without Trump we wouldn’t be talking about a wall when you have a video showing that at least Cruz was already talking about a wall long before Trump was even on the scene.

  7. We have a labor force that, some anyway, would love to do maual labor building a fence, and at a minuscule hourly wage. Inmates.
    The bulk of California wildfire fire fighters, for example, are inmates. There are a lot of reasons they like the outside work. Unlike the federal government, states do a good job classifying inmates and know which can handle the freedom and responsibility that comes with being outside the wall.

  8. Every time I drive on the interstate I see a F’n sound barrier the FED put up to make it quieter for the dumbasses who were stupid enough to buy a house next to the highway. It so infuriates me that I am paying for that!
    If you add up all the miles of sound barrier that has been installed over the last 20 years it probably covers TWO TIMES the length of the Mexico border.
    The border wall is possible, easily!
    Look at Israel’s wall:

  9. I once asked a history teacher: By what right have we taken the land of America for ourselves?

    His two word answer: Eminent Domain.

    Where would we be without it?

    Living on European-style reservations in a land of Indian Nations?

  10. Trump thinks Eminent Domain, while it has to exist to allow any roads, bridges, or public works to be built, is best used to increase wealth.

    Cruz seems to think Eminent Domain is only for taking property to use for public purposes like building a border wall, but only when there is no other alternative.

    Geez can Cruz ever get it right. Trump is so wise.

  11. Kelo seemed to be the launch point of defining the “public good” as to include possible increase in the tax coffers – as compared to what they reaped from you with your measly home.

    That makes it a pure “Money Rules” world where you have no right to your property if some entity comes along and puts enough money in the mix.

    I do have a problem with that. Do we ever really own anything in that world?

    I often consider how close it was that the Constitution almost included the right to own property. A few words and things could be so different.

  12. This response is to “Dadof4 (eminent domain comment)”, above, since we no longer have a “reply” button:

    Chairman Mao Tse-Tung had a different way of expressing the concept of eminent domain. He said, “Power proceeds from the barrel of a gun”.


  13. Cruz is FOR Eminent Domain for the Keystone Pipeline – PRIVATE for PROFIT entity.
    As for Cruz wall talk. All it has been is TALK.
    You think it’s going to happen with a President Cruz when he wants bi-partisanship, conversation, debate?

  14. Yeah, SCREW the Constitution! Let’s get our own president in office who uses his pen and his phone and gets shit DONE, man! Sure, we’re all pissed off at Obama for circumventing the Constitution, but not because we revere the Constitution – just because he’s circumventing it for the wrong reasons! /(sarcasm off)

  15. Oh, and I realize it’s a very subtle distinction, but there is a difference between judiciously applying the doctrine of eminent domain for what is universally considered by the readers of this blog as a necessary step to preserve our country (a border fence/wall), which would be for the PUBLIC good; and a fucking casino parking lot, to enrich certain developers who, as a regular course of business, grease the palms of politicians, so they can make more money. I know, it’s very subtle, but there is still an important difference.

  16. I could see landowners on the border gladly DONATING their land for a BORDER WALL. No Eminent Domain needed.
    But what about the Keystone Pipeline? A private project. Eminent Domain ok for that?

  17. Comment at Gateway Pundit:

    LiberatedCitizen √ Team Trump drattastic • an hour ago

    Cruz is one of the biggest phonies out there. Flashback…

    Cruz seizes on eminent domain as wedge against Trump in New Hampshire

    And Ted also supports eminent domain for the Keystone Pipeline that a private company is building. Oil is subsidized and has been for years.( http://bit.ly/1lYIlaX ) Cruz has at least $365,000 in oil/gas company investments ( http://bit.ly/1WMIfjW ) and at least $50,000 of that is in Plains GP Holdings, a company that transports oil and gas liquids.( http://dmreg.co/1Fo6HA1 )

    So Ted Cruz stands to make money on the Keystone Pipeline. In addition, Cruz has gotten $25 million in oil super pac money http://cnn.it/1JlSzLy and over $952,000 in oil campaign contributions. http://bit.ly/1LdvCuO

    Cruz SCREAMS against Crony Capitalism publicly all the while taking the cronies money and buying into the cronies deals.

    Keystone pipeline firm files for eminent domain against Nebraska landowners

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