Ted Cruz – “Trump has assembled the most conservative cabinet in decades” – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz – “Trump has assembled the most conservative cabinet in decades”

Cruz is very happy about what he is seeing.

ht/ elk tracks

10 Comments on Ted Cruz – “Trump has assembled the most conservative cabinet in decades”

  1. Good for us, who gives a toss about Cruz. [at least he’s sucking it up, what choice did he have though?]

    Glad to see establishment guys are starting to go with the flow.

  2. Cruz is an intelligent man, a true conservative, and has been a defender and staunch promoter of conservatism for years. Many conservatives feared that Trump wouldn’t be what he has turned out to be and are more than pleasantly surprised. Trump has delivered and so of course Cruz will support him.

  3. From the guy who used the most visible national platform to attempt a coup on the party? Now spouting his “approval” as though he’s the only bright bulb in the room to understand Trump’s aims? I saw this interview last night and couldn’t believe my ears when he quoted himself, saying, “We can’t goof up this opportunity.” Or something like that. Arrogant. Still.

  4. I supported both Cruz and Trump during the primareies, donating to both their campaigns. I felt, let the best man win.

    Now I will contribute to Sen Cruz’s reelection campaign too.

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