Ted Cruz WARNS Trump to stay FAR away from Manchin-Toomey background check bill – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz WARNS Trump to stay FAR away from Manchin-Toomey background check bill

or else “President Elizabeth Warren”

The Right Scoop – Ted Cruz warned this morning that if Trump goes all in for the Manchin-Toomey background check bill, he could risk the election next year and we could all end up with “President Elizabeth Warren”.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Thursday warned that if President Trump strikes a compromise with Democrats to expand background checks for gun purchases along the lines of the 2013 proposal from Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), it would demoralize conservative voters and help Democrats capture the White House in 2020.

“If Republicans abandon the Second Amendment and demoralize millions of Americans who care deeply about Second Amendment rights, that could go a long way to electing a President Elizabeth Warren,” [snip]

“It would also be a serious mistake as a policy matter. The Democrats’ proposal would not have prevented any of these mass murders. We ought to be focusing seriously, substantively on how you stop these horrific crimes and what they’re proposing wouldn’t do it,” he added.

Cruz said he’s not opposed to strengthening the National Instant Criminal Background Check System and is pushing a bill co-sponsored with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), that would improve and reauthorize grants for the NICS database, increase federal prosecution of gun violence, and criminalize the straw purchasing of firearms and gun trafficking.

“What I’m proposing has a far greater likelihood of preventing these kinds of crimes,” he said.

Keep reading here.

Ted, keep your hands off 2A. Don’t pander to the left. They will never stop.

22 Comments on Ted Cruz WARNS Trump to stay FAR away from Manchin-Toomey background check bill

  1. Expanded background checks, along with a lack of prosecutions of the criminal obama administration, and measuring the wall in feet instead of miles, will cause a lot of Trump voters to just stay home.

  2. If Trump wants to see the effect of a demoralized base he need look no further than Washington State. In 2004 the establishment Republicans (the Bellevue/Kirkland bunch) threw in with the Pierce/King/Snohomish Democrat machine and more or less sanctioned the daylight theft of a gubernatorial election.

    Since that time the Republican base does not see any reason to turn out for statewide elections. Screwing around with the Second Amendment could have the same effect on a national level.

  3. Here is what JDHasty proposes.

    1) Ten years sentence enhancement for stealing a firearm, per firearm.
    2) Five years sentence for being in possession of a stolen a firearm, per firearm, or a firearm with defaced serial #.
    3) Ten years sentence enhancement for using a stolen firearm in commission of a crime.
    4) National, searchable, online, available to the public database containing make, model and serial number of all stolen firearms.
    5) Judges have no latitude or discretion in applying the above sentences

  4. I’ve already decided, any more gun control -he’s already dictated one new gun control law- and I won’t vote for him again.

    Once could be a mistake on his part but two is the establishment of policy. He has the power of Veto if Congress passes anything, so there I make no exceptions to this decision (other than an overridden veto, which is highly unlikely and beyond his control).

    I know others that think the same.

  5. “4) National, searchable, online, available to the public database containing make, model and serial number of all stolen firearms.”

    This is a good idea, it would let someone avoid ab unknowing purchase of a stolen gun and let him alert authorities at the same time (if he is an legitimate buyer and not someone with criminal intent).

  6. JDHasty,
    Sounds all fine and good, but (IIRC) there are already same or similar laws. BUT….they’re not being enforced. If the FedGov judges will prosecute and enforce the laws already out there, there won’t be a need for new laws.
    In fact, I’d like to see revocation/repeal of the ’34 NFA and the ’68 GCA, both unConstitutional in their own right.

  7. Jimmy, agreed. Besides, their point is not to have less violence; it’s to disarm us so the violent criminals can kill us. With the guns they have because they don’t follow laws. Sigh.

  8. The ONLY “compromise” I’m up for is – I get to KEEP my guns & 2A rights, and ALL the democraps get locked up at Leavenworth! 😡

    That’s “compromise” I can endorse.

  9. amend the bill to say “all of that and the same hoops to VOTE.” which is to say to vote pass a background check and if you are going guilty of voter fraud prison time. Democrats in mass vote No.

  10. We know the answer but cannot say it without punishment…put all of a certain ethnicity into one camp and gun violence cut…punish mass gun murderers in public within 15 days of crime and choose a
    death like that in Braveheart or worse while playing “itsy bitsy teeny bikini”…refer to him as Rachel Maddow or her as Micheal Moore only..

  11. “I’ve already decided, any more gun control -he’s already dictated one new gun control law- and I won’t vote for him again.”

    You will just love the hell out of President Warren. Dumbest thing I’ve read today.

  12. Let’s see, the Manchin-Toomey bill would the one Joe Manchin championed a few short months after running several election campaign commercials, shooting various firearms and claiming to be the biggest supporter of the 2A ever, to con his way into the senate.


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