Ted Cruz’s Excellent Questioning at Jeff Sessions’ Confirmation Hearings – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz’s Excellent Questioning at Jeff Sessions’ Confirmation Hearings

Of course his “questioning” was an opportunity to make a speech… and a great speech it was.

(It also has the added entertainment of activist loons being tossed out of chambers.)

ht/ andre


34 Comments on Ted Cruz’s Excellent Questioning at Jeff Sessions’ Confirmation Hearings

  1. I believe Ted Cruz has a valuable role to play in our government, running for, and winning the presidency isn’t one of them. Attorney General, Supreme Court are a couple examples of where he excels.

  2. I never thought Ted Cruz was a liar, I couldn’t stand his whiney voice, his sniveling. I just listened to his speech/questioning and I was impressed with his line-by-line hit piece against Obama. Ted did hit Obama below the belt and the justice department and rightly so. You did good on that Ted.

  3. I just want you Trump supporters to apologize for badmouthing Cruz, that’s all. I will “trust but verify” that Trump will do good for this country, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law; appointing Sessions is one of those good things Trump has done for this country.

  4. Bad-Brad,

    Did Trump calling Cruz “Lyin’ Ted” and calling his wife ugly just get flushed down the memory hole? What about all the Trumpter butt-hurt about Cruz’s ‘Vote your conscience” speech?

    Cruz 2024!

  5. geeknerds,

    While most of conservative America was scared shitless on how to save our country from the downward spiral we’ve been in for ten years Cruz fanatics were concerned with one thing. Ted Cruz. WTF? Cruz 2024? Why are you trying to open old wounds here? Trump hasn’t even been sworn in yet. I have nothing against Cruz. I hope he helps push the agenda. You are not helping.

  6. @Geeknerd, as a former Cruz for president person, all I have to say is focus! Don’t be like the crazies on the other side. Cruz, himself, has moved on.
    They are unhitched to the reality of a Trump presidency, don’t be like them. We need to convince America that we are the adults in the room.

  7. @geeknerd: Thanks! The left would have been just as unhinged if Cruz had been elected. The left being so crazy over the Hillary loss is first filtering out the media and second, providing much entertainment (in addition to Tucker replacing Megyan)!

  8. @geeknerd ~ Trump never called Ms. Cruz ugly … all he did was compare her pic to Melania’s
    & before you fall off your high horse, I was a Cruz supporter before I went to Trump … but I don’t go around beating my breasts & opening a vein for dear departed Raphael
    … now, run along & go watch you some Glenn Beck … be sure to wear your Magic Underwear 😉

  9. One more thing, if Cruz was the nominee Hilary would have won. Cruz is not electable as president. We would all be crying in our beer if Cruz had been the nominee. That’s a fact, you can take it to the bank.

  10. geeknerd January 10, 2017 at 7:38 pm

    I just want you Trump supporters to apologize for badmouthing Cruz, that’s all. I will “trust but verify” that Trump will do good for this country, the Constitution, and the Rule of Law; appointing Sessions is one of those good things Trump has done for this country.

    Never will I apologize for anything. It’s a good thing I don’t start swearing because people who swear are brutally more honest than those who don’t. I think I read that study here just the other day. Trump will do far more good for this country than Ted Cruz ever could have.

    /just saying

  11. geeknerd January 10, 2017 at 8:32 pm

    It’s not like this website was anywhere near as bad as Ann Coulter was to my boy. And that’s the last I’ll say about it.


    Kelley Ann got on board with Trump – it’s a perfect fit for her and I’m quite impressed with her. Even Kelley Ann knew it wasn’t going to happen with Ted. So, why can’t you get on board like Kelley Ann has? Ted works better in other places just like Kelley Ann.

  12. cruzio has no business anywhere near WASHINGTON D.C.
    Neither does his Goldman Sachs Heidi.
    cruzio is not a “Conservative” scholar or expert, He is nothing but a backstabbing Canadian Cuban. He thought he was going to be the King of the North American Union with the game plan Heidi dreamt up..Piss on cruzio he’s garbage.

  13. I can only speak for myself, but I will never apologize for anything I said about Cruz. I liked Cruz pre-primaries and actually was in his corner before I got to know him better than I wanted to. He is a liar, his dad is a weirdo and the son doesn’t fall far from the tree.
    I’m the kind of woman who holds grudges and has a memory like an elephant when it comes to things that really piss me off or disgust me. I will never like or respect Cruz again and feel the same about many of his supporters and wouldn’t vote for him as dogcatcher.

  14. Cruz was not elected – Trump was. Cruz is still on our side, doing what he can. I don’t have any problem with those facts. After all, things are a whole lot better today than most of us expected them to be six months ago, so let us be happy in our situation, not petty and bickering. We can let the Dims do that. For at least four more years.


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