Ted Lieu (D-umb): Hunter Biden’s Burisma Role Shows ‘No Evidence of Corruption’ – IOTW Report

Ted Lieu (D-umb): Hunter Biden’s Burisma Role Shows ‘No Evidence of Corruption’

The dumbest Rep from… well, the dumbest male Rep from…
Man, California has a lot of idiots.


Rep. Ted Lieu (D., Calif.) said Wednesday there was “no evidence of corruption” in Hunter Biden receiving $50,000 per month to sit on the board of a Ukrainian gas company while his father was vice president.

“The underlying problem here was of course Hunter Biden receiving $50,000 a month from a Ukrainian energy company,” Hill.TV host Saagar Enjeti said to Lieu. “Do you think that that is evidence of corrupt behavior?”

“No,” Lieu said. “People sit on boards and they get monetary payments. What the evidence actually shows is that Ukrainians looked into this, terminated the investigation, and found nothing there. So this is just made up, which also is very troubling, because you have the American president essentially asking the Ukrainians to manufacture dirt on a political opponent because there really was no evidence of corruption.” read more

See? Dumb.

21 Comments on Ted Lieu (D-umb): Hunter Biden’s Burisma Role Shows ‘No Evidence of Corruption’

  1. Let me guess: Not even a smidgen?

    This same shit is a way of life among establishment Republicans and Democrats. That is what they are afraid of. That is why there will be no investigation.

  2. Trump is tough, but this daily bashing has got to be taking a toll. Are dems trying to destroy his health? I hope his heart doesn’t give out.
    Hell this daily bullcrap is hard on my heart.

  3. I see another congressman’s mortgage got paid off…how else could someone sell their soul and lie so convincingly?

    As for POTUS…he thrives on opposition, it energizes him because he’s dealt with these types all his life…has no effect on his psyche, partly because he knows he is doing good so in unswayed by the lunatics.

  4. There is no evidence of experience either. Come to think of it you don’t have to know anything to be in congress. The blabbering mouth Cortez proves beyond a reasonable doubt any fool can get elected to Congress.
    Reduce their pay by 50%!

  5. A) I agree that Trump looks tired. He should go out to the people in the country and talk to them. If he watches tv, he probably wants to hate himself too.

    B) Peggy Sue Lieu aka Sum Ting Wong, like all the commies, keeps saying the Burisma claims were discredited.

    You mean by the prosecutor named after Biden blackmailed them to fire the one investigating his son, right?

    Barr cleared Trump but they still talk like that’s not the end.

  6. @Anonymous SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 AT 12:42 PM

    Just remember: every night, the President gets to lay down next to Melania. That might be more of a concern for his heart than what the “nattering nabobs” are trying to do to him.

  7. Ted Lieu is the representative of a Congressional district that has a lot of (a) hypocrites; (b) corrupt people and/or (c) morons. He can say whatever he wants because his constituents either don’t care, don’t understand, or completely sympathize with corruption.

    Lieu’s problem is that when his blathering goes national, there are a lot of voters who have brains and a moral compass and think Lieu is an idiot. California Democrat representatives need to separate their audiences – lies and insane ramblings for their own constituents and semi-coherent thought for most the other America.

  8. In these days of President Trump we keep learning things:
    Democrats cannot be corrupt, no matter how corrupt they are.
    You cannot criticize whole classes of people, no matter how inept or corrupt they are, you racist.
    Republicans are evil and break laws and should be impeached – even when none of this even slightly true.
    Democrats do not have to actually do anything useful, but they can whine and the media will slobber all over them and defend their every action.


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